臺大教學發展中心,推出 "FACULTY+" 系列課程,將本中心累積的數位課程製作經驗,分享給每一位老師與助教,希望能幫助老師及助教們,更熟悉數位工具,並提升數位製播能力,輕鬆入門數位教材製作,並依據自身授課的教學目的,製作出合適的數位內容,讓科技成為教學的助力。

西洋哲學史 - 苑舉正

47K views8 years ago

邏輯 - 傅皓政

8K views8 years ago

愛情與社會理論 - 孫中興

5.9K views9 years ago

莊子 - 金嘉錫

5.8K views9 years ago

日本文化史 - 徐興慶

16K views9 years ago

西洋經典掃描 - 梁欣榮

3.6K views9 years ago
本課程邀請到白先勇先生擔任白先勇文學講座主講人,同時搭配國內劇場界知名演出者進行實地操演示範。亦邀請到學有專精之戲曲研究學者,分就每週課程主題進行專門講演。講演內容包含崑曲的文化發展源流、服裝設計與舞台燈光、音樂與唱腔、湯顯祖與《牡丹亭》、青春版《牡丹亭》及新版《玉簪記》的製作過程等。旨在融貫傳統藝術與當代表現形式,並從歷史與文學創作的互動中探勘戲劇、音樂、文學千絲萬縷的對話關係。 (完整課程影音請至臺大開放式課程網站觀看 http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/099S128) DVD即將出版(臺大出版中心)http://www.press.ntu.edu.tw/ For this course, Mr. Pai Hsien-yung has been invited to deliver the Pai Hsien-yung Literary Lectures, as well as provide demonstrations with renowned theatrical performers. Learned scholars of traditional Chinese theater have also been invited to provide specialized lectures each week. Weekly lectures focus on the cultural history of Kunqu, wardrobe design and stage lighting, music and vocals, Tang Xianzu and The Peony Pavilion, the production history of the youth edition of Peony and the new edition of The Jade Hairpin and others with the aim of integrating traditional arts with contemporary expressions and to explore the complex interplay of theater, music, and literature via the dialogue between history and literary creation. (Please go to NTU OpenCourseWare for completed episodes http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/099S128) DVD on sale soon! (NTU Press) http://www.press.ntu.edu.tw/
臺大中國文學系 劉少雄教授 東坡詞,是宋詞的奇葩,也是東坡文學中最動人心弦的一體。東坡以其才華學問、性情襟抱為詞,融入了詩的技法與意境,擴大並提昇了詞的內容與境界,使詞體得以脫離小道末技,進而取得與詩文同等的地位─這是東坡詞在宋詞發展史上的意義。東坡詞,逸懷浩氣,表現為清麗舒徐的筆調,無論是抒情言志、詠物懷古,皆可見東坡的真性情與真感受,而其悲喜情懷的轉折起伏,也牽繫著東坡一生的立身行事。 (完整課程影音請至臺大開放式課程網站觀看 http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/100S202) Professor Siu-hung Lau, Department of Chinese Literature, NTU The Ci poetry of Su Shi is the epitome of Sung Dynasty Ci poetry and the most moving portion of Su's body of work. Su employs his prodigious learning and great affective capacity in his Ci poetry compositions, while integrating techniques and imagery from classical poetry. His works have expanded and elevated the content and horizons of Ci poetry, putting it on equal footing with classical poetry — this is Su's significance to the development of Ci poetry. His Ci poems express grandeur in soft, clean beauty; whether it is professing his ambitions or reminiscing on the past, Su's authenticity and sincerity are evident in every line and the emotional twists and turns reflect those of Su's own life. (Please go to NTU OpenCourseWare for completed episodes http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/100S202)
臺大社會學系 孫中興教授 本課程內容分成三大部分:第一部分是檢討愛情社會學所面對的基本問題,希望學習者對當今社會學對愛情的研究成果有廣泛瞭解;第二部分選取中、西歷史上重要的愛情故事和思想加以討論,希冀學習者的思想和視野都具有全球化的觀點;第三部份討論愛情與社會生活,包括:性/別與愛情、身體與愛情、人際關係與愛情、家庭與愛情、教育與愛情、溝通與愛情、意識型態與愛情、資本主義與愛情,以及偏差行為與愛情等主題,期盼學習者能在愛情的歷史發展之外,了解到當今社會學家的具體研究現況。 (完整課程影音請至臺大開放式課程網站觀看 http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/101S116) Professor Chung-hsing Sun, Department of Sociology, NTU This course is divided into several parts. The first part examines fundamental questions encountered in the sociology of love to help students gain a better understanding of the current sociological conclusions about love. The second part is a discussion of important stories and concepts of love in the East and the West to foster a globalized perspective. The third part will focus on love and society, including aspects such as: gendered love, the body and love, social relations and love, the family and love, education and love, communication and love, ideology and love, capitalism and love, and errant behavior and love. It is hoped that students can thus gain an understanding of modern sociological research on love, as well as its historical development. (Please go to NTU OpenCourseWare for completed episodes http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/101S116)
臺大中國文學系 歐麗娟教授 本課程以《紅樓夢》為範圍,區分為文化與人物論兩大範疇。在文化方面,由於《紅樓夢》吸納傳統中國文學與文化的涵蓋面甚廣,將涉及「神話運用與詮釋」、「讖語式的表達」、「悟道模式」、「遊仙模式」、「喜劇精神」、「母神崇拜」、「少女崇拜」、「大觀園之設計與用意」、「詩歌表現」等主題單元,以建立全書的歷史性縱深,以及這部小說的集大成內涵。 在人物論部分,為避免傳統紅學偏於單向度而扁平化,終以簡化∕極化的道德評價為歸趨的慣習,本課程將採取「情節聯繫的有機化」、「人物性格的豐富化」雙綰交涉的解讀方式,挖掘出學界一般忽略的情節做為內證,進行全面的比對與整合;也對一般視為不證自明的敘事過程重新審察,釐清其中之因果關係與發展脈絡,以呈現《紅樓夢》所開展的突破獨白型單一旋律的複調世界。讓近乎刻板印象(stereotype)的人物恢復其圓形人物(round character)的豐富內涵,包括林黛玉、賈寶玉、薛寶釵、四春、劉姥姥、晴雯、襲人等諸多角色,都是曹雪芹將種種個性客觀地發現、並加以藝術地表現的成果。透過這些人物論專題,希望可以提供較有創新性的詮釋,以及對這部巨作的深入了解。 (完整課程影音及講義請至臺大開放式課程網站觀看 http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/101S120) Professor Li-chuan Ou, Department of Chinese Literature, NTU This course divides the study of The Dream of the Red Chamber into cultural and character aspects. Culturally, due to the book's broad coverage of Chinese literature and culture, we will focus on the themes "Use and Interpretations of Myths," "Prophetic Expressions," "Modes of Epiphany," "Modes of the Sage," "Comedic Spirit," "Mother-idolization," "Worship of Teenage Girls," "The Design and Meanings of the Grand View Garden," and "Lyric Expressions" to mine its historical depths and appraise its value as the culmination of previous works. In terms of characters, to avoid the traditional Redology tendency of unidirectional flattening which trends toward conclusions of simplified and polarized moral judgments, this course will adopt a dual-strand interpretation method involving "Organic Plot Links" and "Character Personality Enrichment." Overall comparison and integration will be conducted by discovering internal evidence in frequently overlooked plot points. Other narrative processes generally perceived as self-evident will also be re-examined to clarify causality and developmental context, and present the polyphonic world with which The Dream of the Red Chamber broke through univocal monologue. Figures who have become almost stereotypical will regain the rich connotations of round characters, including Lin Tai-yu, Chia Pao-yu, Hsueh Pao-chai, Chia Yuan-chun, Chia Tan-chun, Chia Ying-chun, Chia Hsi-chun, Liu Lao-lao, Ching wen, and Hua Hsi-jen , among others. These characters and others are the results of objective discovery and artistic representation by Tsao Hsueh-chin . It is hoped that a more innovative interpretation as well as deeper understanding of this great classic might be provided through the aspect of character theory. (Please go to NTU OpenCourseWare for completed episodes http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/101S120)