Free To Play vs. The HARDEST Stage In Arknights!
H12-4 with 10 welfare operators only (World First Kill Welfare Team) It all started on 2023-08-20 when Storn cleared H12-4 with sniper operators only on the CN server. This discussion led me to try H12-4 with welfare operators. The mechanics of Chapter 12 surprised me as a global player before, because I had no idea how most things worked. Adapting to them took more time than I expected. However, surprisingly, after trying for 3 days, I found the best placements for my operators and optimized the clear from 12 operators to 10. But I also encountered trouble with the last mob (around 09:14); it remained alive with a tiny bit of HP. The moment I managed to kill that last enemy by timing Vigil's skill perfectly led me and my welfare operators to victory. Thanks to Tums, The Ancool, and Zafang for giving me some tips about chapter 12 and helping me calculate some important parts of this clear. And a huge thanks to @江南兔子君 from bilibili for lending me this account. This clear wouldn't have been possible without them. This clear also rewarded as one of the Editor's Choice on ArkRec on 10/29/2023 batch. Music: Light Canvas - DEATH TRIGGER Light Canvas - 鬼武蔵 Thumbnail by @khanttt Feel free to give the like and subscribe. Thanks for watching! #Arknights #명일방주 #アークナイツ