Mario Party but the Magic Conch CONTROLS US
This video is sponsored by DIVINE ARENA: AFK RPG. You can check out the cool stuff that this game has to offer here! Hey what's up Sophisticated Based Nation Gamers, this video was a long time coming, but we've finally got it out. Similar to when I did the video with the magic conch controlling me, now the magic conch controls EVERYONE. I made sure the conch had as much influence over us as possible over the course of this game, and unsurprisingly, it doesn't go well for me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gamers who I played vibeo game with: King of Skill: TCNick3: Vernias: This video was edited by Paulrmt. You can find him on twitter @realPaulrmt I had a couple people ask for the app for the Magic Conch. You can check that out here: I streamed the webpage through discord so that everyone could hear what the Magic Conch said. As usual, thumbnail was made by the great, the magnificent, @raijin_75 Be sure to follow me on Twitter, Twitch, and Discord! Twitter: Twitch: Discord: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And a big thank you to my current members: Juice HarvestMk2 Xammary Schooled Pycel Mr Unicorn If you are a member, and you don't have the specific discord role for Super or Transcendent Gamer, be sure to let one of my discord mods know and we'll sort it out.
Our members Thank you, channel members!