Chittagong Science Carnival 2.0 |Part-01 | Chittagong University Scientific Society, Chittagong University Scientific Society (CUSS) is a non-profit multidisciplinary scientific organization. It’s a registered organization of National Museum of Science & Technology (NMST), registration no: GA-245/2022. It’s established with the cooperation of the students of various science related departments in order to exchange information and coordinate activities related to science and society for the betterment of every individual. We started our official journey on 22th April, 2018 with the celebration of “World Earth Day”, where our members and volunteers gathered to clean plastic wastes from the CU campus. We are financially and politically independent but we are interested to work in collaboration with other organizations that share our aims and interests. #cuss #chittagong #chittagong_university #chittagong_university_cu #chittagong_university_scientific_society 🔰 Announcement: 🔴CUSS Website : ▶️ 🔴CUSS Twitter Link: ▶️ 🔴CUSS Instagram Link: ▶️ 🔴CUSS YouTube Channel Link: ▶️ 🔴CUSS Linkdin Page Link: ▶️ 🔴CUSS Facebook Page Link: ▶️ Follow Us in Five Social Media.. 🔺Like Post 🔺Subscribe Our YouTube Channel 🔺Follow Our Linkdin,Twitter,Instagram,Facebook Page 🔺Visit & Registration Our Website.