Thank you so much for the support you shown me and I really do appreciate the love. Thank you!!
Can you believe that there are 8 Dragon Ball Z Abridged Animation Shorts in Blender up. I only started doing this a little over a month ago and the respond has been overwhelming. But the best part is; do you know what it is?!?!?!
The best part is, now that we have 9 out of the way (this one makes it 9 and yes I cheated a little) in 2 weeks, I am going to release a full length episode!
Now the question is which one; which one should I do? Should I do an episode that these shorts are included or should I just do a whole different one?
Hmmmm....I guess we will find out when I upload it in 2 weeks. Also, at that time, I will be showing off some other stuff I have been working on. I'm really excited to show you what is coming up.
Until then guys thank you again, seriously, thank you, stay tuned and stay safe!!
Road to 1,000 SUBS!!!!
You can follow me on Twitter:
Huge Thanks to: - Modder - Modder - Shader
Be sure to hit these guys up if you need any customs done for your animations projects!!!
Side note: I gave myself a goal to hit 1,000 subs on Youtube, by the end of summer and I going to need your help to achieve that.
So if you do enjoy the content and the quality of the animation please LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE.
いいね押して ください!!!
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DragonBall is Owned by TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd. and Licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. DragonBall, DragonBall Z, DragonBall GT and all logos, character names and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd. This is nothing more than a transition from 2D into a 3D medium, from a voiced over parody and made for entertainment purposes only.
#DBZA#DBZ#blender#Dragonballz#dragonball#Dragonballabridged#3danimation#3d#animation#Dragon#Ball#Z#Abridged#Animation#Shorts#in#Blender #1-8