More about Benji Bruce here: Restaurant to restaurant, nobody was interested Restaurants let me go at the same time Cold called, nobody was interested Finally someone called but I lost the gig b/c another guy was cheaper Every day I was uncertain of what to do to get hired What am I doing wrong? You see everyone else being successful and you’re wondering ‘why not me’ ‘what’s wrong with me’ Fortune 500 companies hired me and paid 10-20-30,000 to bring me out People started asking me about my marketing -I know what it feels like to want to get something out to the world but not know how I started an online business but nobody bought products, product launches didn’t work, my website got erased. Everything kept going wrong But I was prepared because of my entertainment business The failures don’t stop, the failures just change. It’s going to keep happening Then I hit $1,000, $5,000 a month, $10,000 $20,000 a month and $100,000 a month. I realized... —————————— Iterate your way to success It’s going to take longer than you could’ve imagined. It’s going to be harder than you ever thought possible. So you have to commit. When you dabble, you struggle. When you commit, you say ‘come hell or high water I’m going to figure it out.’ … no excuses, figure it out The world is going to test you. You say you want it, the world is going to say ‘lets see about that’ The dream is free. The reality is what you pay for. The reality is expensive. It’s going to take everything from you. It’s going to be hard. You can’t stop. Dreaming goes a long way, but practicality gets you to the end And when people say wow you finally made it. You just smile and think “I’m just getting started” ------- Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Snapchat: Twitter: