Theater creators Mei Ann Teo and Nile Harris of Ping Chong and Company craft fantastic moments from documented narratives from their home base in Downtown Manhattan. Witnessed in their Minnesota environment, chef and community organizer Sean Sherman and his NĀTIFS team fight to ensure that Indigenous food practices and pre-colonial ingredients hold an equitable place in the American experience. Journalist Maria Hinojosa—leading Futuro Media from her home and studio in Harlem, New York—asks us to consider the simple and complicated act of being vulnerable with each other. Together, they help show that every drop of curiosity that we add to the pool of what we know has the potential to generate a wave of transformation. Even the smallest ripple can be enough to wash over yet untouched hearts. 🎥 by Are We There Yet? Learn more: Mellon Foundation: Ping Chong and Company: NĀTIFS: Futuro Media: Are We There Yet?: ABOUT MELLON FOUNDATION The Mellon Foundation supports just communities, creative expression, critical thinking, and the visionaries who connect us all.
Many of you answered a call from Mellon to talk about creativity, connection, and the roles that the arts & humanities play in our daily lives. Follow along as we share those reflections from the community in our latest series, #CanYouHearMe.
Four visionaries explore the risks we take in order to connect
Presented by Mellon, these lively forums explore a range of contemporary topics, featuring thinkers and educators, artists and activists, poets and novelists, and more. More at

American Jazz, American Culture (ASL)

53 views1 day ago

American Jazz, American Culture

172 views1 day ago

Public Memory and Our Passing World

323 views11 months ago
The National Mall: home to an array of monuments, attracting millions of visitors who travel from all over the world to witness some of the most significant people and moments in US history. But is America’s most iconic public square set in stone?  Whose voices and histories are missing? What if the commemoration of the American story were up to you?  Our short documentary "Beyond Granite: The Future of the Public Square" shines a light on a groundbreaking new partnership exploring these questions right now. 
Mellon President Elizabeth Alexander and Monument Lab Director Paul Farber discuss findings from the 2021 National Monument Audit. Watch the full event video at the end of this playlist and sign up to receive advance notifications about upcoming events at
To meet this complex moment, in October 2021, we turned to to arts and humanities visionaries who are helping us realize a more just and sustainable world. Watch the series.
20 poets and 10 poems honoring 25 years of National Poetry Month (2021). Video artist: Sindha Agha. Produced in collaboration with the Academy of American Poets.

"Democracy" by Langston Hughes

9.1K views3 years ago

Barracks Home by Toyo Suyemoto

848 views3 years ago
Watch a selection of poetry readings by visiting poets and Mellon grantees that inspire us.
The 2019 celebration marked our history and our future as Elizabeth Alexander joined Mellon as President bringing a new focus on justice in arts and humanities.

The Mellon Foundation at 50

3.5K views5 years ago