The BEST NEW Warlock Build In Destiny 2! It's Insane.. [Destiny 2 Warlock Build] MOBALYTICS & DIM LINK: YOUTUBE MEMBER: DISCORD: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TWITCH: Hey Everyone! It has been a bit since my last video hasn't it! I hope you have been well. Now dare I say we have a new Meta for warlocks out there. I used this Build to complete the new activity called the Nether and I did it on Expert and solo. I only died 2 times throughout the entire run and I cleared it in under 45 minutes. So I would say that is pretty dang good for Solo Expert. Especially since I bet you guys have found it pretty rough in there with the lack of healing that we have. I think bungie already said they were going to adjust the healing a bit very quickly, but with this build I didn't have much of a problem and that's mostly thanks to the Blind debuff and having 3 different ways to trigger it on groups of enemies. Then being able to pop our super every 15 to 30 seconds and it does great damage. I used it 4 times on the final ogre boss in expert and also 4 times on the big meat ball which was my second boss. I think I actually used it on the Tormentor 4 times as well, he was my first boss. All of this is possible thanks to our new Aspect, changes to the arc subclass for extra Survivability with amplified and our blind sources then extra damage with the new Bolt charge buff. We pair that with a new Exotic weapon and a big buff to our Exotic armor. All of this combines to make a beast of a build that I really do believe will be one of the best builds on Warlock for a quite some time! - WYS – Snowman - Provided by Lofi Records - Watch: - Download/Stream: