BIOGOD | TSM Biofrost LCS BARD Highlight Montage
TSM Biofrost helps carry Team SoloMid to a 4-0 undefeated start in the Summer Split, taking down top tier teams in Cloud 9, Apex Gaming, Team Liquid, and Immortals. With highlight performances on plenty of supports, one stuck out to me the most. Here is the BIOGOD - Vincent Wang with a compilation of his Bard plays so far heading to week 3 of the NA LCS. Check out some CHALLENGER quality LoL clothing and merchandise as well as LCS gear to support your favourite players- imported straight from Runeterra, made in Demacia. ► if link is down: ( ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ League of Legends Season 6 NA League Championship Series Summer 2016. Third match of Stream 1 - TSM vs Immortals best of 3 Game 3. TSM vs IMT G3 full game in HD 1080p. Team Solomid Line-up: Hauntzer - top Swain Svenskeren - jungle Rek'Sai Bjergsen - mid Zilean DoubleLift - ADC Lucian Biofrost - support Bard Immortals Line-up: Huni - Top Irelia ReignOver - Jungle Olaf Pobelter - Mid Viktor WildTurtle - ADC Ashe Adrian - Support Karma biofrost tsm biofrost biolift biogod biofrost bard tsm vs immortals imt tl c9 tsm vs imt team solomid vs immortals --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to get FAST IP gains in LoL Subscribe to me for more League videos @ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Defqwop - Heart Afire (feat. Strix) [NCS Release]