Just six days ago I told you to review our video, "The Tale of Two Pharaohs", regarding TRUMP versus JOSEPH Biden, the meaning of Trump's name, the inconsistencies of Biden's inauguration, etc. - because it is becoming super apparent that 'all of a sudden' JOSEPH is being thrown under the bus with his (scripted) dementia and mental incapacity. But all of this goes back to 2021, with the recognition of the President of the United States by the military. It's all scripted.
Then, low and behold, only five days after our post reminding you of these facts, the world was 'shocked' by one of the largest security failures since JFK, when there was an apparent assassination attempt on Donald Trump at a rally on July 13th - right when Jupiter (the King) was near the BULLS-EYE of Taurus. ...And on the same day that we posted about JOSEPH Biden, he had said: “so, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” Not a 'spotlight' or 'focus' - a BULLS-EYE.
Note that on July 9th (within hours of his statement), Jupiter was EXACTLY at the BULLSEYE of Taurus (the Bull/Ox). These are not 'coincidental' statements or events going on right now. The children of darkness are fully aware of the celestial time - and aware that Christians were also told to LOOK UP and LIFT UP their HEADS when we knew the prophetic time was very short.
And what was one of the key warnings in the last generation? The PEACE and SAFETY calls (I Thess 5) - put out by the children of darkness. It is scripted. There are cues, timings, and acts. There are deliberate dominos.
And who put out the call of Peace and Safety in early 2020? DONALD (Ruler of the World) TRUMP. [He is not the antichrist; but his name is important as we covered in the Two Pharaoh's video]. So always remember that Donald Trump is not on a mission by God to restore America, or other malarkey that people try to romanticize him with; Trump is a child of darkness - fully aware of the script and the importance of the peace and safety calls. It means that sudden destruction is coming. A destruction that the children of darkness are also scripting as part of their order out of chaos. A PHOENIX moment.
As such, you will remember that I've been pointing this out since 2020 (and earlier) that Trump is part of the scripted sudden destruction - and that when the sudden destruction comes, it is apparently in the same timeframe while those who said it are still alive (I Thess 5) - since it is remarked that they do not escape it when it comes.
You may also remember that in July-August, 2012, Jupiter THE KING was exactly in this same area of the BULLSEYE of Taurus; right in the same region as the Seven Stars (Pleiades) mentioned in Revelation. On the last day of the 2012 London Olympics, the closing ceremony included a giant, flaming PHOENIX coming down; right in conjunction with them acting out Apollyon (The Destroyer) and demons coming up out of the bottomless pit. They acted this out right when Jupiter was near the Bullseye; that there was going to be a phoenix - sudden destruction - associated with the beast rising up out of the bottomless pit.
Soooo, now 12 years later, at the same time that Jupiter THE KING is come back to the same spot, we find a lot of suspicious activity apparently coming to a head revolving around DONALD (Ruler of the World) vs. JOSEPH Biden - and on a level high enough to have very sobering far-reaching consequences. A scripted - and apparently 'plausible' - storyline that seems to be setting the world up for the very sudden destruction. The PHOENIX moment.
With the rally on the 13th, there is already a LOT of focus being brought to that the security situation there was VERY SKETCHY. And, as the days go forward, there will be more and more finger-pointing; especially if it comes to light that there were vested parties seeking a certain outcome from those events. But, today, the Lord brought my attention to a very significant event that also happened on that day: the FLAG that was flying directly over the whole event, in a pyramidal fashion. The HUGE flag got twisted into the shape of a giant BIRD (or angel, as some tenderhearted people preferred to see it). A PHOENIX.
The more that one sees the timing - and already unfolded scripted events since 2012, 2020, and 2021 - right at the BULLSEYE - one more clearly sees the scripted nature what is unfolding. As well as a very good idea of the conclusion. America is the Phoenix; which is why it is on the back of the dollar bill. That will be the pyre that will light the world change right when the Antichrist comes onto the scene. Right when the Time Snare is also triggered, apparently also resetting things to around 2012.
And, yes, don't be surprised that the 'Looking Glass', TIME, CERN, etc. subjects are involved in this. Remember, the Lord started our celestial learning journey (in 2015) at the exact same week that He essentially started our Youtube channel with our "Time, CERN, and the Bible" video. As I've said before, how the Lord started our journey will be important to the end of the journey.
You will remember that the Lord gave wisdom for our "Tale of Two Pharaohs" video on Feb 10th, 2021 - regarding the peculiarities of the inauguration. But it was just prior to that event - on January 14, 2012 - that I posted about the PHOENIX tie-ins with Biden. These subjects also came up during the inauguration day events, too. And it was on August 12th, 2021 that the Lord enabled our video, "The 2012 Clock Snare", regarding the Time reset that the children of darkness were signaling at the London Olympic worldwide venue.
Friend, there is a LOT that I do not know. I do not know the day or hour. BUT, I do know that the Lord started my personal journey exactly during this same celestial timeframe - when Jupiter the King was exactly at the head of Taurus (August 12, 2012). The BULL. The OX. And the more that I see things coming full-circle on a personal level, the more I know that our Lord has been showing us exactly what He wanted us to see this entire celestial learning journey.
We have heard the Biblical warnings and instructions. He has guided us by the hand this entire learning journey. And it does not surprise me that in His instructions regarding His coming, He directly references the Scriptural context and spirit of "do not muzzle the OX" - and that He wants to find His servants "so doing" what He expects them to do WHEN He comes. [Compare what Christ said in Luke 12:42-48 with Deut 24:14-15, 25:1-4. They are the same subject matter].
So, when we LOOK UP, and LIFT UP our HEADS - at the BULL/OX we should see not just the celestial time; but also the reminder and reality that He is coming and we should be living as though He is nigh. even. AT. THE DOORS!!
Brother Daniel
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