informedchristians 5 months ago
The 2024 Paris Olympics just had their opening ceremony; and several of our subs have asked for some thoughts with the obvious messaging on such a large venue. Certainly, many people's attention is on the white horse and rider, as well as the blasphemous mockery of the Last Supper that was also part of the opening events. But, the key to understanding what is being messaged will be in understanding the venue context; everything else will be pegged to the larger context. I have not had a lot of time (almost none) to look at these events, due to work; but the Lord pointed out several significant - and yet subtle - things that really shape the dominate message. "For the first time in the history of the Olympic Summer Games, the Opening Ceremony will not take place in a stadium." The Opening Ceremony finale took place at a historic area on the Seine: the Trocadéro Gardens, in line with the Eiffel Tower. This finale location is also somewhat famous for Hitler's iconic photo, in 1940, when the Germans captured Paris; that famous photo and location was also associated with his sculptor. Several people have pointed out the head of the BULL HEAD statue that was noticed in the Opening Ceremony finale, when they were raising the Olympic flag (upside-down, btw). What is important in the interpretation is that this statue is normally in this spot; it was not made for the Olympics. As hence, there is historic meaning brought to the table by keeping this uncovered and prominent right at the finale focus of the Opening Ceremony. Keep in mind that the children of darkness are fully aware of the celestial time - and the meaning of what the heaven's declare. Jupiter, the King of Righteousness, is right at the head of the BULL/OX (Taurus); along with Pleiades the Seven Stars (the seven churches of Revelation). This is also the EXACT same area where Jupiter the King was in 2012!! Hence, there are also parallels and mentions appearing in the news comparing the 2024 Olympics with the 2012 Olympics. This is not by accident; it is the celestial time!! Be sure to review our video, "THE 2012 CLOCK SNARE" ( ) where we covered the messaging about APOLLYON rising from the BOTTOMLESS PIT in the 2012 Olympics. So, if there is a celestial tie-in, we should not be surprised that they also point to APOLLYON as the main feature of the 2024 Olympics. They are pointing to the celestial TIME (Taurus / Bull) - while also pointing to the feature (APOLLYON) - which is described exactly at Revelation chapter 9 verse 11 (Which is exactly what they did at the climax of the 2012 Closing Ceremony). They are looking forward to the greater 911 event of the bottomless pit opening up, and The Destroyer emerging. It will also be accompanied by the Time Snare events. The 2024 Opening Ceremony had the BULL out in the open, and in a very prominent place; hence its presence is important with their messaging. As we see what they have in the open - and the historic association with the seventh king visiting this exact same spot in a victorious moment - we should be very suspicious of what else is declared about this specifically chosen spot. When they built up the temporary stadium bleachers, they deliberately incorporated the Bull head (and just a Bull head, like Taurus). But right just a few literal steps away from the Bull are TWO highly important flanking statues! Right on the terrace is a statue to Hercules and the Bull, and a separate statue of Apollo (Apollyon!) [Apollo / Apollon / Apollyon are understood synonymous names for the same figure]. Both of these figures were sons of Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology); thus also bringing a Jupiter and Taurus connection again. And the Hercules statue shows him conquering/capturing The BULL. So keep this in mind, that this venue highlights the BULL, conquering the BULL, and Apollyon. By using this historic venue and historic statues, it is a declaration of their anticipation of The Destroyer (related to the sudden destruction that Paul warned us about with the Peace and Safety warnings) arriving; the Anti-christ Rider of the White Horse who will be in direct opposition to God and Christ. This conspiracy is exactly what Revelation warns us about in chapter 17 verse 13. The children of darkness are fully aware of the implications of the celestial time, the seven stars sign, the celestial declarations in the Book of Revelation (also apparently tied to the timing of the morning star coming quickly), and that Christ is coming as The Judge. Revelation tells us that they are working in a scripted conspiracy; and we have definitely seen the events in America also ramping up suddenly - especially with the very one who trumpeted the "peace and safety" warnings in 2020! There is a lot more that could be said; but I do not have much time due to having to go to work. As noted on the Timeline, recently, the Lord brought me to a place (even with Brook directly in the name) where I can labour for them and not be muzzled or starved in return; so they get the priority of my time right now. This is unfortunately highly important since it underscores the direct mentions that Christ made regarding His servants (Luke 12-13) - at His coming - using the direct instructions with the ox / bull. And, what do we see on the celestial clock - in this fourth year since the peace and safety warnings? The OX / BULL reminding us of His instructions for His coming - where He also warned us that other things are about to come, too. "Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox." - Proverbs 14:4 Everything that the Lord has impressed since the entirety of 2020 is highly important; and part of the exact warning He gave us about how He expects to find us at the end of a certain cycle and pattern of time. May we take heed to ourselves: WATCH and BE SOBER (I Thess 5:6). Maranatha! Brother Daniel
informedchristians 6 months ago
Praise the Lord for all the wisdom that He is giving about this crazy and incredulous time. It is because of Scripture's instructions, and the Spirit's guiding, that we can see and understand the scripted mechanisms that the children of darkness are using as dominos leading to the foretold sudden destruction. Scripture tells us that they are of one mind in this endeavor (Rev 17:13); and also tells us that we can see the day approaching (Hebrews 10:25) if we are watching and sober (I Thess 5:6); especially in context of when we look up and lift up our heads, knowing our redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28). In January and February of this year, our videos covered how we are in the 4th WATCH and 4th YEAR TO BEAR FRUIT since the entirety of 2020 - when the "peace and safety" calls went out. The 4th year (2024) is important because it is the final grace period for the trees to bring forth fruit (Luke 13:6-9). The 4th Watch is important because it is the final of four night watches that Jesus Christ even directly alluded to regarding His coming (Luke 12:38). Soberly notice that BOTH of these key passages are only a few verses apart... In our videos at the beginning of the year, we noted how the early part of the year has New Year for trees; with a huge emphasis on WATCH. We started our Watching at January 2020, since that is when TRUMP's "Vision for Peace" Plan was finally released after several years of teasing the public. But TRUMP emphasized this plan along with the ABRAHAM ACCORDS (recalling Abraham and the 1yr cycle of life) for the entirety of 2020. So, hence, 2024 would be the 4th full year AFTER we have heard the "peace and safety" clarions throughout 2020. The Lord reminded me of this, today, as I was briefly comparing where we are now with the past 4 year's Timelines. Especially as we see the very SUDDEN pushing of Biden under the bus (in an obvious hurried and scripted manner), we know that the children of darkness are working on a SCRIPT. There are CUE CARDS. There are dominos that will fall at precise times for their plausible cover story leading to the sudden destruction. Their order out of chaos. So why the sudden acceleration of events recently? Well, in short, we are approaching the 4th important milestone of the "peace and safety" warnings - along with the peak of summer drawing nigh (it is finally here) - and The Morning Star on the celestial clock (when we look up and lift up our heads) is also about to come onto the scene. This is the 4TH TIME that Sirius is rising (like clockwork) as a Morning Star since the "peace and safety" calls went out. Depending on your latitude, Sirius always rises between August 2-7 (per Jerusalem) or August 10-15 (per seven church's latitude); an average of August (8th month) 8th (88). As shown on the Timeline, Sirius means "coming quickly" (like a hawk coming swiftly down); it also means "Prince / Leader." Of note, the Book of Revelation records Christ saying that He is coming quickly exactly 4 TIMES. One of them directly to the seven churches/seven stars (Rev 3:11); and three of them on the LAST PAGE OF THE BIBLE (Rev 22:7,12,20) - where He also says He is The Morning Star (Rev 22:16)!! And right at this 4th Time of The Morning Star coming quickly [because it is offset from the ecliptic rotation, it visibly rises quickly in the sky], Jupiter the King is right in the same constellation Taurus (Bull/Ox) where the Seven Stars (Pleiades) is also located. Right where there is the Golden Gate/Door of the Ecliptic (a door in heaven). Right when summer has finally drawn nigh (the rising of Siris is considered the peak of the dog days of summer). In the 4th WATCH. In the 4th year when we should be found bringing forth fruit (main crop of figs are a summer fruit). Friend, when I see how the enemy is ramping up their activity for their sudden destruction (which we were forewarned about in 2020), we must soberly recall the large-scale window of grace and fruit that the Lord has specifically shown us since January 2020, and the entirety of that year. A year that dealt with Crowns (corona); right when Jupiter the King was right at the Southern Crown, right by Sagittarius. Have we had an ear to hear all that our Lord has been showing us over this ENTIRE learning journey? Things that are becoming clearer every day that we continue to go forward??? Friend, I do not have the time to make a video to go over this; and most of this has already been said - but it needs to be reviewed soberly. On August 13th is the 4th year since the "peace and safety" calls of the Abraham Accord that got most attention with the White House documents containing this exact phrasing - and also recalling the January 2020 "Vision for Peace" plan which also had the same "peace and safety" code words. Is this peak of Summer, with Sirius rising (88) what the enemy is using for their cue cards and script?? I suspect so; but I do not know the day or hour. I just know that - according to what Scripture tells us to watch, and when to watch and expect Him - it would make sense AROUND this 4th peak Watch of summer. Look on the Timeline, and see what I have highlighted. There are videos that I would highly recommend that you review; especially considering the 4th Watch and 4th Year. The Lord has guided us by the hand this entire learning journey. And it does not surprise me that in His instructions regarding His coming, He directly references the Scriptural context and spirit of "do not muzzle the OX" - and that He wants to find His servants "so doing" what He expects them to do WHEN He comes. [Compare what Christ said in Luke 12:42-48 with Deut 24:14-15, 25:1-4. They are the same subject matter] - and that the warning of the FIG TREE BEARING FRUIT in a 4TH YEAR is only 16 verses later... CELESTIAL CORONA CLOCK - Jan 23, 2023 [Our Bible study on Luke 12-13, the wise stewards and fig tree] Sirius is The Morning Star, not Venus [FYI, Venus will not be A morning star till April 2025]. This video covers our Bible study on this subject: THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR - Oct 23, 2021 You may also want to review our 2024 January and February videos about the New Year for Trees, 4th year, Doomsday clock, Olympic clocks, etc. The "peace and safety" warnings are a reminder that there is a scripted and coordinated plan to bring about sudden destruction. The Apostle Paul goes on to exhort us that - when we hear thus - we will need to WATCH and BE SOBER (I Thess 5:6). May we strive to be the WISE and FAITHFUL servants of Christ - being found SO DOING when He comes. We are in the 4th Watch. The 4th year. The 4th Summer. The 4th Morning Star. Let us LOOK UP and LIFT UP our HEADS and be reminded of all that He said - and that He is coming quickly!!! Maranatha!! Brother Daniel
informedchristians 6 months ago
Just six days ago I told you to review our video, "The Tale of Two Pharaohs", regarding TRUMP versus JOSEPH Biden, the meaning of Trump's name, the inconsistencies of Biden's inauguration, etc. - because it is becoming super apparent that 'all of a sudden' JOSEPH is being thrown under the bus with his (scripted) dementia and mental incapacity. But all of this goes back to 2021, with the recognition of the President of the United States by the military. It's all scripted. Then, low and behold, only five days after our post reminding you of these facts, the world was 'shocked' by one of the largest security failures since JFK, when there was an apparent assassination attempt on Donald Trump at a rally on July 13th - right when Jupiter (the King) was near the BULLS-EYE of Taurus. ...And on the same day that we posted about JOSEPH Biden, he had said: “so, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” Not a 'spotlight' or 'focus' - a BULLS-EYE. Note that on July 9th (within hours of his statement), Jupiter was EXACTLY at the BULLSEYE of Taurus (the Bull/Ox). These are not 'coincidental' statements or events going on right now. The children of darkness are fully aware of the celestial time - and aware that Christians were also told to LOOK UP and LIFT UP their HEADS when we knew the prophetic time was very short. And what was one of the key warnings in the last generation? The PEACE and SAFETY calls (I Thess 5) - put out by the children of darkness. It is scripted. There are cues, timings, and acts. There are deliberate dominos. And who put out the call of Peace and Safety in early 2020? DONALD (Ruler of the World) TRUMP. [He is not the antichrist; but his name is important as we covered in the Two Pharaoh's video]. So always remember that Donald Trump is not on a mission by God to restore America, or other malarkey that people try to romanticize him with; Trump is a child of darkness - fully aware of the script and the importance of the peace and safety calls. It means that sudden destruction is coming. A destruction that the children of darkness are also scripting as part of their order out of chaos. A PHOENIX moment. As such, you will remember that I've been pointing this out since 2020 (and earlier) that Trump is part of the scripted sudden destruction - and that when the sudden destruction comes, it is apparently in the same timeframe while those who said it are still alive (I Thess 5) - since it is remarked that they do not escape it when it comes. You may also remember that in July-August, 2012, Jupiter THE KING was exactly in this same area of the BULLSEYE of Taurus; right in the same region as the Seven Stars (Pleiades) mentioned in Revelation. On the last day of the 2012 London Olympics, the closing ceremony included a giant, flaming PHOENIX coming down; right in conjunction with them acting out Apollyon (The Destroyer) and demons coming up out of the bottomless pit. They acted this out right when Jupiter was near the Bullseye; that there was going to be a phoenix - sudden destruction - associated with the beast rising up out of the bottomless pit. Soooo, now 12 years later, at the same time that Jupiter THE KING is come back to the same spot, we find a lot of suspicious activity apparently coming to a head revolving around DONALD (Ruler of the World) vs. JOSEPH Biden - and on a level high enough to have very sobering far-reaching consequences. A scripted - and apparently 'plausible' - storyline that seems to be setting the world up for the very sudden destruction. The PHOENIX moment. With the rally on the 13th, there is already a LOT of focus being brought to that the security situation there was VERY SKETCHY. And, as the days go forward, there will be more and more finger-pointing; especially if it comes to light that there were vested parties seeking a certain outcome from those events. But, today, the Lord brought my attention to a very significant event that also happened on that day: the FLAG that was flying directly over the whole event, in a pyramidal fashion. The HUGE flag got twisted into the shape of a giant BIRD (or angel, as some tenderhearted people preferred to see it). A PHOENIX. The more that one sees the timing - and already unfolded scripted events since 2012, 2020, and 2021 - right at the BULLSEYE - one more clearly sees the scripted nature what is unfolding. As well as a very good idea of the conclusion. America is the Phoenix; which is why it is on the back of the dollar bill. That will be the pyre that will light the world change right when the Antichrist comes onto the scene. Right when the Time Snare is also triggered, apparently also resetting things to around 2012. And, yes, don't be surprised that the 'Looking Glass', TIME, CERN, etc. subjects are involved in this. Remember, the Lord started our celestial learning journey (in 2015) at the exact same week that He essentially started our Youtube channel with our "Time, CERN, and the Bible" video. As I've said before, how the Lord started our journey will be important to the end of the journey. You will remember that the Lord gave wisdom for our "Tale of Two Pharaohs" video on Feb 10th, 2021 - regarding the peculiarities of the inauguration. But it was just prior to that event - on January 14, 2012 - that I posted about the PHOENIX tie-ins with Biden. These subjects also came up during the inauguration day events, too. And it was on August 12th, 2021 that the Lord enabled our video, "The 2012 Clock Snare", regarding the Time reset that the children of darkness were signaling at the London Olympic worldwide venue. Friend, there is a LOT that I do not know. I do not know the day or hour. BUT, I do know that the Lord started my personal journey exactly during this same celestial timeframe - when Jupiter the King was exactly at the head of Taurus (August 12, 2012). The BULL. The OX. And the more that I see things coming full-circle on a personal level, the more I know that our Lord has been showing us exactly what He wanted us to see this entire celestial learning journey. We have heard the Biblical warnings and instructions. He has guided us by the hand this entire learning journey. And it does not surprise me that in His instructions regarding His coming, He directly references the Scriptural context and spirit of "do not muzzle the OX" - and that He wants to find His servants "so doing" what He expects them to do WHEN He comes. [Compare what Christ said in Luke 12:42-48 with Deut 24:14-15, 25:1-4. They are the same subject matter]. So, when we LOOK UP, and LIFT UP our HEADS - at the BULL/OX we should see not just the celestial time; but also the reminder and reality that He is coming and we should be living as though He is nigh. even. AT. THE DOORS!! Maranatha!! Brother Daniel
informedchristians 6 months ago
Greetings from Shelby, Alabama! The Lord has called us to LOOK UP and LIFT UP OUR HEADS at the celestial clock when we know that He is near - not at the Hebrew calendar days or commemorations. The celestial clock - just like the Wise Men's account recorded on the very first page of the New Testament, recalling when Christ came the first time. We should be LOOKING for Him to appear the second time since the Church saw Him - especially so much the more as we SEE the day approaching (Hebrews 9:28 - 10:25). It is amazing how the Lord has been working since just our last video - where I covered all the miraculous ways that the Lord has been working on a personal level with The Brook Cherith and my own life; hearkening exactly back to 2012 when this prophetic focus ministry really started. On June 30th, just a few days ago, was the 9th anniversary of the Star of Bethlehem events - which marked when our celestial learning journey (and Youtube channel) really started going forward like the Wise Men, watching and looking up at what the heavens declare. Praise the Lord, exactly on June 30th the Lord worked several, several more highly non-coincident (that I did not orchestrate) events that literally brought me to a place called "Brook" with several tie-ins. Because these are of a personal nature, and other people, I cannot go into the details; but they uniquely went with the way the Lord has been orchestrating the steps of this celestial learning journey, as we put legs of obedience on our faith - just like the Wise Men! There is sooo much that the Lord is using to emphasize the importance of our entire journey, what He has showed us all along the way, and where He has *PRECISELY* brought us right now. In our last video, at the beginning of June, I mentioned how the Lord has literally brought me to within eyesight of the pivotal place where my learning journey started in 2012; specifically involving the subject of having to question suspected child abuse at the church I was then attending (and how it tied to the last generation). Well, because the Lord has so uniquely worked over the past eight months on bringing me "full circle" back to where I was - location wise and subject wise - in 2012 (with His orchestrating these personal events and journeys), the initial subjects and events were also heavily brought back to mind over these past six months. Especially as we are now at the exact celestial clock time where Jupiter (The King) was 12 years ago (and at the Golden Gate of the Ecliptic), there is a LOT that is resonating again; further emphasizing a coming back "full circle" with the Lord's orchestration. So, since these initial subjects were heavy on my mind, I started working on a PDF resource tackling some of these heavy subjects, just a few days after our last video. Again, in my shoes, there is a lot that is coming around "full circle" (celestially and locally) to how, when, and where the Lord started my journey to LOOK UP. So, less than two weeks after our last video (June 2) - while I was precisely (on the day, June 13) working on a resource that touches on child sex abuse (among other related things) - I had someone (long-distance) directly tell me, and ask me for prayer, how two very, very close people to them finally told them that they were sexually abused as a child. While this alone was deeply disturbing [please pray for their unfolding situation], the ones involved were essentially one 'link' away from (direct acquaintances of) the people that were involved at my church in 2012!!!! And the Lord brought me across their paths shortly after the events of 2012 on an almost identical subject!! Strong echoes exactly at this coming full circle time! And then - four days later (June 17) - when we are getting even closer to the celestial clock place from 2012 - and 2015 - this EXACT SAME instance came up again!! Someone locally (totally out of the blue and unexpected) brought to my attention a completely unrelated account of childhood sexual abuse (very, very close to home for them) right in this area - right where this subject came up for me in 2012!!! This was sooo bizarre to me, to have these very rare subjects come up, that I journaled that these happened. And then on June 24th, more related cases were brought up by the first family that asked for prayer. Praise the Lord, I was able to help (long-distance) with some counsel, prayer, and resources over the next four days - utilizing the exact, unfinished PDF resource that the Lord put on my heart to start preparing just five days after our last video!! And, praise the Lord, I have been able to use some of this material also in some partial counseling with the local situation that just came up here, too. AND THEN, three days later - on our Star of Bethlehem celestial learning journey anniversary - the Lord also brought me to a place called "BROOK" with several other personal touches that just go exactly with everything that He has been working on a personal level since our last video. Friend, I do not know what the Lord is working; but I do know that He has been especially laying it on thick that our entire celestial learning journey has been directed and guided by the Lord. And the more that I see His hand so strong on a personal level, over the past seven months, the more I know that we are very near the end of what He started back in 2012: our journey to LOOK UP, LIFT UP OUR HEADS, and put obedient LEGS ON OUR FAITH just like the Wise Men. The more that I see His personal hand at work, all across these years and recent weeks, I am filled with exceeding great joy at His desire that we see the day approaching. At His desire that we be found LOOKING for Him - with our life - just like the Wise Men. At His desire to give tokens of significance along the journey (just like the Wise Men seeing the star the second time) for those that put legs on their faith - desiring to go forward and worship Him. Last Wednesday, my neighbors invited me over for some evening fireworks with kids from our local Christian assembly (about half of them are foster or adopted). Once the fireworks and sparklers ran out, we also had a very clear and starry sky. One of the kids had pointed out to me a bright star that they saw overhead (Arcturus), wondering if it was a plane. If y'all know me, you're not surprised that it quickly turned into a celestial astronomy lesson. :-D As I started pointing out the Big Dipper, Polaris, and Draco, one of the dads also started pointing out these to his children as well. The neighbor kid said that he had heard about the Big Dipper from his teacher; but this was the first time that he had actually ever seen it with his own eyes... Eventually, even after most of the others left, I still spent about twenty minutes with the neighbor dad and a neighbor kid, pointing out Scorpius, Virgo, Leo, Ophiuchus, etc. It was kinda exciting to me, on the inside, to see children LOOK UP - with wonder and fresh eyes - on the beautiful celestial clock that our Redeemer has been showing us all these years since 2015. I could also not escape the sense of coming "full circle" on my own learning journey, being reminded of the wonder of LOOKING UP and seeing how the Lord also drew our eyes upwards in 2015. This journey has not been about astronomy. It has not been about geopolitical events. It has been about the Lord desiring to do a work in our heart. To where we will put obedient legs on our faith - just like the Wise Men - and draw nigh to Him with a true heart. To worship Him. To sup with Him. To hear Him. Last evening near dusk, while going for my evening walk on the road, the neighbor kid flagged me down. Despite the mostly cloudy sky, we could still spot Arcturus, Spica, Antares, Draco, the Big Dipper, etc. through the clearings. As we stood on the street in front of his house, he excitedly used Stellarium on his phone to look around at the new-to-him constellations and shining stars. I internally reflected on how the Lord has been working over just the past few days and weeks, at this Brook time and journey... and it felt like I was freshly seeing the star a second time... And seeing His hand at work filled me with exceeding great joy that we are near the end of what He started showing us. "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." - Luke 21:8 Maranatha!! Brother Daniel YOUTUBE "A TALE OF TWO PHARAOHS": TIMELINE (JPG): [Phone/mobile device users note: The Timeline image may appear small, fuzzy, or low-resolution due to file size (~5MB). If so, click the download option (down arrow into tray icon), and save the image to your device. Then you can open the JPG image in your photo gallery, and zoom in and out.]
informedchristians 11 months ago
Praise the Lord, it is amazing, beautiful, and SOBERING to see how He is working and guiding us at this very late and sober hour!!! I just posted our video, "Peace and Safety JUDGE"; uploading it on Jan 6th, after recording it on Jan 5th. This is incredible timing, since I just found out - after posting the video on the 6th - that the International Court of Justice elected their new president JUDGE of the ICJ (International Court of Justice) on Jan 6th(!!!) - which are the very subjects the Lord had us cover in the video that I was posting on the same day!!! It is also interesting the make-up of the new JUDGE president, and vice-president of the ICJ. He is Lebanese [and considered anti-Israel by Israelis]; and she is Ugandan [she was the only judge who voted against the precautionary measures issued to Israel re: Gaza]. This is very timely, since this new JUDGE will now be presiding over the case launched by South Africa against Israel, in which it claims that the IDF is committing genocide in Gaza. Very interesting and timely [scripted] happenings! It should be extremely sobering to see how the Lord is working and directing our celestial learning at this late hour, to time such sobering video messages with the exact happenings in the world, too!!! The "Judge-of-all-the-Earth" wants us to WATCH and BE SOBER!! Everything that He is showing us about the celestial and prophetic time tells us that we should fully expect - and live - as though The Lamb is about to open The Book and seals in JUDGE-MENT!! Maranatha!! Brother Daniel ICJ Press Releases: Israeli perspective on new judge: Our video, "Peace and Safety Judge":
informedchristians 1 year ago
The almond trees are already blooming early in Israel!! This is normal, though, since the winter has been mild; it's just slightly 'early' to the actual calendar commemoration on Jan 26/27 (New Year for Trees). This also reminds us how in 2020 - when the major "peace and safety" warnings went out (related to that exact land and region)!! A lot that should sober us as we see a 4th anniversary coming up in a few days - but the real-world sign is already blooming!! WAKE UP and BRIGHTEN UP!! A lot reminding us that we shouldn't get complacent in waiting till New Year for Trees - the signs are reminding us right now! Maranatha!! Be sure to review the Timeline, Watch, Pray Always, Look Up, Wake Up, Brighten Up, and Sober Up!! Timeline: Sources:
informedchristians 1 year ago
Praise the Lord, when we have a heart - and obedience - to always search "What Does Scripture Say?", the Lord will give wisdom and insight to His Word (Matt 5:6). Along this celestial learning journey - starting in 2015 (and for me personally in 2012) - it has been beautiful to experience the personalized ways He has guided us forward step by step. And especially here at this late hour, I am not surprised that He is showing a richness in His Word that corresponds with the celestial lights we were told to LOOK UP at! When we look at the celestial LIGHTS in the sky, we see Jupiter the King-star LIGHT, that rules the night (Gen 1:14-18); it is at the head of Aries THE LAMB; on the visual right of both of them are THE SEVEN STARS (Pleiades). Seven LIGHTS. Seven burning LAMPS in the sky - right next to THE LAMB. Of course, that reminds us how the Book of Revelation is written by Jesus Christ, starting with the visual picture that He is standing in the midst of seven LAMPSTANDS that He is holding in His RIGHT hand (representing the churches and their messengers/pastors). As we take to heart His direct letters to those churches (us), we should also soberly reflect on how they echo exactly what He had already said previously. The New Testament churches had these written sayings; and Philadelphia is even commended for holding onto His Word that they already had possession of (Rev 1:3, 3:10-11). The New Testament starts with Christ's instructions and warnings regarding His coming; and the last book starts and ends with the same - assuming you have read what He already said, and what the churches had received through Paul, Luke, etc. So to see the emphasis on lampstands, lamps, and lights - connected directly to His servants and His coming - reminds us how both Christ and Paul had specifically used these parallels and exact wording. And it is especially curious to see how these parallels go even farther back into Scripture (and Hebrew understanding) on even deeper connections. Christ compared the Gentile churches (started by Paul and helpers) with seven golden lampstands (Rev 1:12,20;2:1) - which strongly parallels the seven oil lamps that were on the one Candlestick in the Temple. The Candlestick in the Temple was deliberately designed with a prescribed ALMOND theme (Ex 25:31-36;37:19-20); with ALMOND shapes on the "branches". Thus, the candlestick is often likened to an ALMOND TREE with corresponding flowers and branches. And the Hebrew word for "almond" comes directly from the root word meaning "to be ALERT, SLEEPLESS, on the lookout, WAKE, WATCH" - which is also reflected in even the very shape of almonds resembling eyes. The almond tree is also the first tree in Israel to 'wake' up after winter slumber. So, the almond tree has long had this connection with eyes, and common understanding of waking up after sleep - and WATCHING. As we are approaching the time of year (~January) when the almond trees start WAKING UP and FLOWERING in the real world, we almost literally see this LAMPSTAND picture blossoming at a unique prophetic hour (especially since the short-lived flowers are part of the LAMPstand design). So when we consider that the Lord deliberately designed the LAMPstand to look like this, and involve these WATCHING and WAKING themes, we should not be surprised that the Lord also SAID THE EXACT SAME THING in His sober instructions regarding His coming!!! Multiple times, Christ emphasized that we would not know THE EXACT day or hour - but that we were to WATCH - and NOT SLEEP!! He said we would see it drawing nigh - there would be a very, very good understanding that we were running out of days and hours. The Apostle Paul also said the same thing: that we would see That Day APPROACHING. Both emphasizing that there will still be a degree of ambiguity - and that is why we should not get complacent and mentally, activity-wise, and spiritually start sleeping. The ambiguity CALLS FOR alertness and WATCHING. It underscores the need for midnight oil and vigilance - with our lights burning BRIGHT even into a late hour. It should sober us up that both Jesus Christ and Paul specifically combined these two blunt instructions: WATCH!! and DON'T SLEEP!! Watch yourself, watch your heart, watch your prayer life, watch your activity for the Lord, watch your testimony, watch with vigilance. And Paul especially tied an urgency to this when we hear the calls of "Peace and Safety" - that the same instructions of Jesus Christ are most needed for us to tend to. Because both individuals warned that SLEEPING Christians will be robbed and overtaken like a thief when He comes. They will be beaten with many stripes, cut off, spewed out, and anathema maranatha (cursed when the Lord comes). As a WATCHman, my job is not to hold yer hand and whisper sweet nothings in yer ear. Or entertain you, coddle you, or even give you a pep rally with rapture thrills and chills. A WATCHman's job is to WAKE YOU UP!!! Especially if you are in a deep sleep - off deep in DREAMland. Have you ever had to wake up somebody who was deep in sleep?? They usually aren't too appreciative or chipper about it... Especially if it takes a swift kick out of bed to wake them up... What's worse is when you know they are in a DREAMLAND that they were enjoying... They will fight you... They will be bent out of shape toward you... They will resent you... The difference between a real WATCHman versus a BABYsitter is a WATCHman will not let you SLEEP and DREAM, rocking your cradle - when you really need to WAKE UP!! At this late hour, when both Christ and Paul urged us to WAKE UP - and NOT SLEEP - have we taken heed to ourselves to make sure that we are not SLEEPING?... Have we SOBERLY taken heed that we are not DREAMING?... Well, if we hold tighter to our fantasies and dreams about the rapture and His coming - instead of what He said in Scripture - than, yes, we are DREAMING. A SLEEPER has a hard time hearing... If we get bent out of shape when WATCHmen point our EYES to SEE what Scripture says regarding His coming, then - yes - we are SLEEPING. If we make up scenarios and excuses not to do what Christ said we should be doing - and delude ourselves that the outcome will somehow be different - then, yes, we are DREAMING. Christ recorded several times how His own servants will DELUDE themselves (Matt 24:48; Luke 12:45-47; 19:20-23; Rev 3:17) - and yet that did not change their tragic outcomes. If we resist being SOBER (alert and vigilant, able to focus) regarding what Christ said, then we are spiritually punch-drunk and SLEEPING; not even AWARE how grave the situation is (Luke 21:34-36). FRIEND, a true WATCHman does not sign up for the job because of popularity, likes, or brownie points - because the true execution of his duties will usually bring the opposite of that. A faithful WATCHman is compelled by true concern and love for those that he safeguards - regardless of how it is received. The hour is too late; and we are well past the time to be shuffling the deckchairs on the Titanic. The closer we are to hearing The Bridegroom's voice, the more URGENTLY the WATCHmen need to tell you to WAKE UP!! GET OFF YER DUFF, and GO OUT TO MEET THE BRIDEGROOM!! The door is about to be closed - by the very One Who was calling you, and trying to knock on your heart's door. Were you awake and responding by opening the door immediately - or were you asleep and dreaming? If you need to WAKE UP, and stop DREAMING, I highly suggest that you review our video, "The Rapture Curse" ( ); and use it to help you gauge whether you would rather be SLEEPING. The calls and warnings already went out; the celestial heavens have been declaring these same themes and warnings from the last book of the Bible - about THE LAMB Who will do exactly as He has always been faithful to do. Do we have an AWAKE EAR to hear and rise up?? Or do we just insist on CLOSING OUR EYES and rolling over in a comfortable SLEEP... A SLEEPING LAMP is not a shining lamp... Maranatha, Brother Daniel
informedchristians 1 year ago
Praise the Lord for His incredible leading and guiding on this celestial learning journey!! My heart is also thankful for all of you whom the Lord has specifically brought alongside us on this path; you are not here by accident! I was telling a friend just yesterday that our journey is so beautiful because it is not a rote textbook exercise for morbid curiosity - it is a living, experiential learning journey personally guided by our Redeemer and Beloved!! Praise the Lord, I finally added a whole bunch of collective information to the Timeline ( ); trying to condense it here for those on small viewing devices. Definitely take some time and STUDY all that is coming together right now! Indeed, as I often say, the journey is more than the destination; it is the collection of experiences, insights, examples, illustrations, observations, and field trips that He has shown us - together! - along the way. He is not just showing us singular events; He has been showing us a tapestry of redemption: a story and choreography with multiple words and speech - a handywork declared along the way. Just like the Wise Men's tapestry journey, there is more than just one single celestial event or declaration; there is a personalized journey of learning multiple facets of our Redeemer and ourselves. When we go outside now, and LOOK UP and LIFT UP OUR HEADS, we observe that Jupiter (the King Planet) is still at the head of Aries the Ram/Lamb - reminding us of the strong LAMB emphasis in the last book of the Bible! The One Who is coming quickly!! Jupiter will be near the head of Aries now through February (but especially into the first week of Feb.). We've just finished watching Jupiter STANDING at the head of Aries, over the past two weeks - reminding us again of the parallels with the Wise Men who saw Jupiter standing over Bethlehem, right when they were expecting to meet the Messiah KING. But, the Wise Men still had six more miles to go first... :-) In just three weeks (Jan 26/27th) will be New Year for Trees on the Biblical/Hebrew calendar: when the almond trees start waking up after their winter nap [Yes, in the near dead of winter this is normal in Israel]. While we don't have time or space here to cover a lot, the Bible uses almond trees with their common connotation of "WATCHING"' - because its almonds are shaped like eyes, and it is the first tree to WAKE UP and open its 'eyes' after winter sleep. This should instantly remind us that both Jesus Christ and Paul told us to "WATCH" when prophetic signals went out!! And Paul warned us that we would SEE The Day of the Lord approaching (Heb 10:25)!! Praise the Lord for how He has had us cover this over these past few years. At the beginning of 2023, our video "Celestial Corona Clock" went over how it strongly appears that we were in the 3rd year of the fig tree parable, where the Master is looking for fruit. There was an inspection at the end of the 3rd year; and then one more year (the 4th) was granted as a grace period after no fruit was discovered after 3 years. So now in January 2024, we are approaching the conclusion of that 4th year - with a suspected final fruit inspection deadline coming up really soon. As I've covered numerous times, it super strongly appears that a countdown was started in 2020 [yes, that crazy year] - mainly with the numerous calls of "peace and safety" that were broadcasted with Trump's revealing of his "Vision For Peace" plan (and all the talk and suspense leading up to that, and subsequent Abraham Accords, etc.). Of course, this is EXACTLY what the Apostle Paul told us to be listening for: when this is suddenly the topic of world discussion. So, that alone should have clued us in that something was starting, a fuse was being lit, and sudden destruction was now approaching. Interestingly, New Year for Trees that year was only a few weeks beforehand... If you have been with us since 2020, you know the incredible story how the Lord directed 'picking up the shovel' and going forward in faith with The Brook Cherith medical missions project - responding to The Day that we saw approaching, and our understanding of the prophetic time. This was starting the EXACT WEEK's TIME as the "peace and safety" call that we were told to listen for!!! And it was also within the EXACT WEEK's TIME as Corona (Crown) coming to major public awareness (because the Chinese canceled Chinese New Year)!!! This moment in time - days after 2020's New Years for Trees was highly important! Now, if we LOOKed UP on NYFT 2020, we would have seen Jupiter right near the head of Sagittarius: the archer whose bow is drawn with arrow against his adversary across from him, Scorpius. When we recollect that Paul warned us That Day we would SEE approaching (Heb 10:25) - which is when Christ finally starts to make His enemies His footstool (Heb 10:12-13) - then we should have been extremely SOBERED that the bow was being drawn!! SOBERED, just like Paul said we should be, when we hear the calls of "peace and safety" (I Thess 5:6). We should have also been SOBERED when the emerging Corona (CROWN) news came out at the same time that Jupiter (King/CROWN) was right in line with the celestial Southern CROWN that is right at the same Sagittarius!!! The children of darkness (who make the 'peace and safety' calls) are fully aware of the celestial clock time - and what it declares! The day that TRUMP released his Peace Plan, Jupiter (the KING) was EXACTLY at the star (Nunki) which is the star long understood to represent Sagittarius' hand holding back the bow!! All of this right at the start of 2020!! Fast forward to NYFT 2023 (the 3rd year), after the Lord showed and demonstrated soooooo much here at The Brook Cherith. It was right within days of NYFT that the Lord gave the wisdom about the apparent emerging pattern of the fig tree parable - and that we were nearing the significant 3rd year reckoning! We covered this in our Jan 23, 2023 video, "Celestial Corona Clock" - where we also had to sadly cover the lack of community fruit and involvement in response to all that the Lord had shown and worked since 2020. It was also at the exact same time that the Lord gave amazing and beautiful wisdom with the "Heavens Declare Symphony" video. Just a few days later, Jan 29, 2023, the Lord further impressed the lateness of the hour with our video, "Running Out of Time." Because the Lord had been impressing this same message - to be fruitful, launch out into the deep and let down the nets, etc. - and the response was persistently almost unanimously uninterested (99.5% of our viewers), I knew (and reminded you often) that we were being TESTED since 2020. I was saddened to see that so many were persistently uninterested in being provoked unto Love and unto Good Works - the exact thing Paul said we should be, especially as we SEE The Day (that he also warned about) approaching. So in July, the Lord further impressed this active parable, with our video, "Using Fruitful Soil." Our Beloved has gone above and beyond on this learning journey, trying to shew us His heart - while WATCHING who wants to echo His heart. Now we are quickly approaching NYFT 2024 - a suspected fruit inspection deadline. Right as Jupiter has now reached the head of Aries: representing the One Lamb Who is about to start judgment at the house of God (I Peter 4:17), right before He opens the seals of judgment being released against His adversary during That Day of the Lord. Right NOW - at this late hour - the heavens are daily reminding us of THE KING (Jupiter) and THE LAMB Who sits on the right hand of the THRONE of God. The same LAMB Who is watching His lampstands that He told to be found burning brightly when He comes (Luke 12:35) - right before He said that some will be CUT OFF when He comes (Luke 12:46). And then a few verses later, Luke 13:6-9, He gives the Parable of the Fig Tree, where the unfruitful are CUT DOWN. Friend, both Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul told us warnings and instructions that we should have been highly SOBERED by seeing at the beginning of 2020. The fact that we have seen the REALITY of what both of them said should SOBER us to the REALITY of what else both of them said: the Rapture Curse - that many Christians will be Anathema Maranatha when That Day approaches. Because they had no true heart, love, or desire for their professed Beloved: The LAMB. Friend, I do not know the day or hour; but I know we are rapidly running out of those days and hours. I do not know your heart and spiritual condition; I can only reflect on the profoundly clear presentation and reaction by those whom the Lord so actively provoked unto Love and unto Good Works alongside me as I went forward on this journey. To say the response was persistently icy would be a deafening understatement. And, hence, the Lord's messages - especially within the last year's time - have reflected the overwhelming demonstration. Out of the heart the mouth speaketh. Our life, hands, and feet will always demonstrate what is in our heart. Christ, Himself, reminded us that we are known by our fruits - not by fuzzy notions in our hearts; our fruits. The evidence of our faith and love. I highly, highly recommend that you SOBERLY review our video, "The Rapture Curse" again ( ); especially with so many reminders of the REALITY of His Word and warnings. May we be found going out to meet Him: HEARING Him, HEEDING Him, LOVING Him, and SERVING Him - FIRST - and HIGHEST ABOVE ALL ELSE!! Drawing nigh with a TRUE heart, till He comes. Maranatha!! Brother Daniel