40 Hours Devotion - Eucharistic Miracles and St. Kateri In the Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs, Auriesville, NY. The weekend of the Feasts of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. First time talk on St. Kateri and a incredible personal testimony on a Eucharistic Miracle. Johnleaps.com #frchrisalar #mic #marianfathers #johnleaps #johnleapsevangelization #divinemercy #stkateri #northamericanmartyrs #40hoursdevotion #eucharisticmiracle #stkateri #northamericanmartyrs mass today feast of mercy #eucharisticrevival #stkateri #northamericanmartyrs #catholicmartyrs #ourladyofmartyrs #eucharist #fatherchrisalar #frchrisalar #chrisalar #marianfathers #marians #mariansoftheimmaculateconception