Good Vibes Only (Official Audio)
Performer: Wednesdaytie Writer: Wednesdaytie Producer: Hasskiss Lyrics: It's tie It's your boy Wednesday back in the game yoh Good Vibes Only Ukiwa na vibe no feeling low Kwenye vibe no going below yeah yeah Ukiwa na vibe you can't feel low Kwenye vibe no going below yeah yeah Thanks GOD for the worst times I gat to stick to the routines Big money for the big teams Kama samaki na tia ndimu yeah Wananiuliza vipi na kula siwezi bakiza Wanataka mi ndo niwape visa Am like Oh my where is JESUS yeah I have been blessed I can see the money I can see the future I can fly high Now i gat the money wanasema high Hi Hi Hi ! Good vibes only kama wewe ni hater Stay away from me Good vibes only kama una bifuu better call police 1 2 3 4 Kama wewe ni 4th don't ring ma phone Kiburi huisha kama hauna tena hizo wings I have been feeling so lazy Stua mbili tatu now I feel so wavy Good vibes feel amazing Feeling so good I can touch the sky Please bless me marry Bad vibes nawakalisha me Hawaniwezi me Good vibes is in me In ma capillaries Am in a motion in a mission If you stop me then u stop the mission GADDEM Now am getting hundred Am getting your money which you left in a hurry Bad vibes take your left na Mimi nipite right wanataka niwe low Niwe below nami nazidisha flow Hasskiss on the mix Na mi namaliza game Good Vibes Only This goes to all haters Wanaotaka wenzao wawe below yeah Bado tunawawin bado tuna fight Bado tuna good vibes hehehehheee #goodvibesonly #Rap #hiphop #wednesdaytie © Greatest Records 2022