Active Meditation leads to a higher state of awareness. It enables us to access the guidance, insight, quality and power of our Higher Self. In this free online audio course, we combine the power of guided meditation with binaural beats. While this practice is revealed in many ancient spiritual teachings it is not associated with any particular religion or spiritual tradition. First we learn how to relax: physically, emotionally and mentally - while remaining awake and attentive. Unlike many meditative traditions, Active Meditation does not dismiss the mind as an obstacle. We engage it - for the practice of Self Inquiry which we call Detachment. We become the observer - the silent witness - of our physical body, our emotions and feelings, and our intellect. With the support of binaural beats we move into a state where we can invoke and receive the knowledge, qualities and strength of our higher self. We then harness the skills of the mind to be our agent for exploring, receiving, translating and then focusing these energies into the parts of our personality that we identify for restoration and revision. Our goal is to develop a working relationship with our Higher Self and to experience insights, joy and fun along the way. Join us for the inner journey with Active Meditation!
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