My Road Leads Home is a documentary series on homelessness. Our goal for this series is to explore the many critical issues that contribute to homelessness. Homeless school students couch surfing with friends. People sleeping under bridges due to a lack of shelter beds. Single moms fighting their way out of poverty and homelessness. Women made homeless by domestic violence with nowhere to go. Homeless families sleeping in their cars due to a lack of family shelter space. But beyond examining these and other issues, we want to offer two intangibles that none of us can live without. Hope and Shalom. Hope that a community working together can meaningfully address such an important community issue and help people get their lives back. And by working together, we can also build the Shalom - the peace and well-being - both of those experiencing homelessness and of our larger community that we all call home. Welcome to the journey. Glad to have you along.