Record High-Quality Content Remotely with SquadCast is on a mission to amplify collaboration for podcasters and creators all over the internet. Welcome to the SquadCast channel! Here's what you can expect on this channel: - Instructional 'how to' videos for podcasters and creators - Our tips for growth and collaboration - Tips for bettering your at-home podcast recording set-up - Discussions on the future of podcasting and audio - And so much more We also want to hear from you, our community! What do you want to learn? We want to tailor our channel to fit your needs. What questions do you have about podcasting? About remote recording? Video recording? Let us know! In this video, meet Maribel Quezada Smith, a podcast creator, longtime content creator, and the co-founder of BIPOC Podcasters. She'll walk us through the relaunch of our channel and let you know what to expect from us. Here's what we're all about: - Weekly videos - Instructional tips for podcasters - Microphone and software how-tos & much more! Links mentioned: - The SquadCast Podcast - - Join the SquadCast community - - Maribel's website - - Submit a SquadShot -