I am Samantha with Jolie Flips Vintage and I LOVE THRIFTING all over the US! I mainly thrift right here, in South Florida. 🌴😎☀️THRIFTING FOR PROFIT can be SO exciting, especially when you find HIDDEN TREASURES! My husband, Adam and I are full-time EBAY, Mercari, OfferUp, FB MarketPlace, Niknax, Whatnot, Etsy and LOCAL resellers! I worked as an RN for quite a while but I am able to fulfill my dream of vintage selling now! Enjoy our videos where you can learn WHAT SELLS, WHAT TO PICK UP, and HOW TO MAKE MONEY doing this and of course, purchase what we collect if you would like! 💖Don’t forget to smash that like button and subscribe 😘😘😘✌️☀️. Thank you for your support! niknax.net