Assimilation of /d/ - Connected speech
#learnenglish #englishwithtom #pronunciation #connectedspeech #assimilation Check this playlist for more videos on connected speech. assimilation of /t/ assimilation - connected speech assimilation activity In this video, we look at assimilation of /d/, a big part of connected speech. Assimilation is when two sounds become more similar to each other or combine to make a third sound. 00:12 What is assimilation? 03:23 assimilation of /d/ to /k/ & /g/ 05:40 review Assimilation of /d/ often happens when /d/ is followed by a /p/, /b/, or /m/ sound: You should publish it It could be? You would be too It’s a cold month Assimilation of /d/ often happens when /d/ is followed by a /k/, or /g/ sound: A fake news podcast You should go I could go I’d kill for a new one How is the /t/ sound made? - By the tongue touching just behind the top teeth How are the /p/, /b/, and /m/ sounds made? - By the lips How are the /k/, or /g/ sounds made? - By the tongue touching the back part of the roof of your mouth Pronunciation tips, practice, and lessons with Tom. Like, comment, subscribe and share with your friends. Keywords: Assimilation of /d/, connected speech, phonological process, English pronunciation, sound changes, speech sounds, speech fluency, coarticulation, speech patterns, English learners, casual speech, assimilation rules, phonetics, speech clarity, connected speech examples, articulation, rapid speech, everyday English, phonetic variation, consonant assimilation, understanding assimilation, informal English, pronunciation tips, speech simplification, language learning. Paragraph: The assimilation of /d/ in connected speech refers to the phonological process where the /d/ sound changes or merges with surrounding sounds during rapid or casual conversations. This phenomenon affects pronunciation and can alter how words are articulated, impacting speech clarity and fluency. Understanding the assimilation of /d/ helps English learners recognize common patterns in everyday English and improve their pronunciation in both formal and informal contexts. Hashtags: #AssimilationOfD #ConnectedSpeech #PhonologicalProcess #EnglishPronunciation #SoundChanges #SpeechFluency #CasualSpeech #Phonetics #SpeechPatterns #EnglishLearners