Hey guys! Welcome to my new vlog channel! So this video is super casual and chill but i promise i will be making more organized and planned out videos in the future! I hope you have fun hanging out with me haha If you have any type of video idea that you would like to see, comment down below! Love you all! Here is my first vlog! If you haven’t come from my ASMR channel here on YouTube, go check it out! ⬇️ https://youtube.com/c/AlexiASMR Follow my on tiktok for mini ASMR videos! ⬇️ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLJ5HsUe/ If you guys want to follow my Instagram, for personal updates, mini ASMR videos and early updates on my videos, here is the link ⬇️ https://www.instagram.com/alexi.asmrzzz/ If anyone would like to contribute to me and my channel, it would be humbly appreciated (: The links will be left down below ⬇️ PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/alexiasmr Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/alexiasmr Thanks guys!!