10 Ways to Improve Imagination
When our creative efforts begin to look like things we've seen before or starts to lack in being fresh & unique, not standing out among the rest, then it's time to stretch our creativity and boost our imaginative skills to produce results that will improve our drawing, writing, and more! Enjoy my 10 ways to improve imagination! 1. RECOGNIZE CLICHES 2. AVOID THE OBVIOUS 3. TRANSMOGRIFY 4. 1 + 1 = 3 5. EXAGGERATION 6. OBFUSCATE 7. INVERTING IDIOMS 8. ABSTRACTION 9. CHANGING PERSPECTIVE 10. SEEK THE EXTRA-ORDINARY MUSIC: “Still Fall” by M.D. Campbell http://noisetrade.com/meandboristhebull © 2018 M.D. Campbell (aka Me & Boris the Bull) All rights reserved MY BLOG: http://www.markdcampbell.com/the-9-li... Instagram: mdcampbellart Facebook: m.d. campbell GEAR:  • Arches 140lb hot pressed watercolor paper • Tachikawa Model 40 Nib Pen • Zebra G nib • Faber Castell 2B drawing pencil • Daniel Smith Watercolors • Liquitex Naphthol Crimson Red Professional Ink • Grumbucher Goldenedge watercolor brush #6 • Windsor & Newton Cotman watercolor brush #2 • Prismacolor colored pencils I hope this video was helpful in some way. Please "subscribe" to the channel, and feel free to leave comments, thoughts or questions below. Thank you and cheers!