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A Confluence of Snags on My Attention (A SYNTHESIS of Arendt, Pirsig, Wynn)
Jul 122024
This video was written after revisiting 3 pieces of media, with no intent or awareness on my part, within the space of 24 hours and this piece emerged purely out of that confluence. It is not written with precision, and it does not state a positive case; as I say toward the end, it is rather an exposition of the feeling that I was left with, hastily expounded and edited. Please let me know what you think.    • Twilight | ContraPoints      • A Quick Message From Hannah Arendt (1...      • Hannah Arendt "Zur Person" Full Inter...      • Phaedrus by Plato read by A Poetry Ch...   ALSO: I think it is of great interest (inter est) what Arendt says in the Zur Person interview IMMEDIATELY AFTER the excerpt reproduced here.

Follow along using the transcript.

Asphalt Pilgrim

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