John Muir Trail Gear Prep 2016
I am currently in the process of getting ready to hike the John Muir Trail this June. I am documenting my planing and prep for this amazing hike. If you have any questions please email at Follow me on instagram to photos from my adventures:
I want to take a moment to tell you how being in the outdoors and in nature has improved my wellbeing and sense of self. For the past few years, I have been stressed with work and I allowed the small things to affect my attitude in a negative way. As a kid, I always enjoyed being outside and playing soccer or riding my bike with friends in the neighborhood. I was a professional cyclist and I spent a lot of time outside, and honestly I completely took that time for granted. In the past 2 or 3 years, I wasn’t able to get outdoors as much as I was used to, so I began to disconnect from nature and I got caught up in daily life. It wasn’t until my wife and I moved back to CA that I began to get back outside to hike and go backpacking. I did not see the light sort of speak until I was on a 5-day backpacking trip with my brother in Catalina. It took me 5 days of seeing the land for what it was to fully appreciate what it meant and what it felt to be one with nature. I had my AH-HA moment during the last few miles of the 50 mile hike. I realized the little things that would cause me to stress did not really matter in the big picture. I realized that you have to be happy for what you have and REALLY not let people and events dictate your mood and attitude. Being in the wilderness makes me feel free and I can admire the natural beauty that is around every corner. I am truly free and happy when I am on the trail. I am filming the day hikes and backpacking trips I take with the goal to show what a beautiful and amazing world we live in, and anyone can access it. My message is to get outside and leave the mental baggage at the front door. You don’t need to hike; you can do anything! Go ride a bike, walk in the park or neighborhood. Do whatever allows you to get away from the daily stress for a few hours or even a few days. Try it and see what it feels like to be disconnected for a while.
