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[Keep talking and nobody explodes] someone will explode
#アマスティロザリデア #アマスティLIVE #VTuber #Mushroom #AmastiRozallidea #AmastiLIVE #keeptalkingandnobodyexplodes with ‪@danes182‬ Hi there! Oie gente! やあ,皆さん! I`m Amasti Rozallidea, you can call me Masti, Roza, Ama or anything you want! Eu sou Amasti Rozallidea, pode me chamar de Masti, Roza, Ama ou da forma que preferir! 私の名前わアマスティロザリデアです。よろしく!!! Im new to this so im couting on you guys be patient with me!! ------------------------------------- Be cool in chat you know how to behave right, right? 行儀よくしなさいよ,いい? Se comporta no chat em Follow me! フォローミー! 🍄TikTok: 🍄Bluesky: 🍄Discord:   / discord   🍄Instagram:   / amastirozallidea   General Tag タグ: #アマスティロザリデア #AmastiRozallidea Stream Tag 配信 : #アマスティLIVE #AmastiLIVE ------------------------------------- CREDITS: -Mama+Rig: @chungi_e on twitter -Musical Background: @Xelafina on twitter

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Amasti Rozallidea 🍄

496 subscribers