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#BHN Chloe Swarbrick live at 9PM | Winston can't speak te reo | Cancelling the CCD is a disaster
Chloe Swarbrick live at 9PM Winston chucks his toys when a reporter asked him if he knew what Kianga Ora means. We knew that he couldn't speak Māori well, but this interaction might point to his inability to articulate any kind of te reo at all. Kirsten Corson from Zilch and Electric Direct shares what will happen when the Clean Car Discount finally finishes on December 31st ================================================ Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
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Big Hairy News
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