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變裝皇后妮妃雅:我的閨蜜老媽|公視 誰來晚餐12-16|My Bestie Mom: Taiwanese Drag Queen Nymphia Wind (eng sub)|Guess Who
舞台上的她,叫妮妃雅。 舞台下的他,叫Leo,今年24歲,在變裝中窺見了一個天地。 「變裝皇后可以說是一種逃避現實,當你打扮成那樣,其實很少人會真的認出你。」 Leo能夠做自己,最大的推手是媽媽-咪咪。咪咪很早就為孩子營造友善環境,讓他盡情探索自己的潛能。 母子倆的感情親密,溝通方式也充滿「張力」。 上一秒說話直來直往,互丟抹布?下一秒真情流露,擁抱彼此。 來賓蒞臨這天,Leo卻相當不滿? 所以,更大的驚喜會是...? When her ex-husband sacrificed family for the sake of his career, it was the final nail in the conjugal coffin and left Mimi as a single mom with the task of providing for her family. As a devoted mom, Mimi sent her shy, effeminate son Leo to get an alternative education after school bullying. Her hope that a more forgiving environment would help Leo realize his potential paid off, because today, Leo has transformed himself into a flamboyant performer and drag queen extraordinaire. In this episode, we discover how Leo seeks freedom in gender fluidity; why despite Leo and Mimi's intimate bond, the pair are forever locking horns; and that in the world of drag queens, Leo has realized he's one lucky devil. ———————————————— 【我的閨蜜老媽🏠】 📺11/20(五)21:00|公視、晚餐YT、fb同步直播 📺11/23(一)01:00|公視3台 🍲不要錯過,晚餐會涼   ◾️ fb:  ◾️ YT: ◾️ IG: ———————————————— #變裝皇后 #母子 #dragqueen #誰來晚餐第12季 #最偉大的一天 #台灣家庭實境節目第一品牌

誰來晚餐 GuessWho

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