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2024-07-07 PRBC Sunday Service: The Weight of the Cross
Pine Ridge Bible Church Sunday Worship Service 7/7/2024 The Weight of the Cross Amos 8:7-10   / pineridgebiblechurch (To hear the sermon only by audio) Notes: The Weight of the Cross The Rejection of His People The leaders of Israel were directed to ____________ and to ___________ the Messiah when He came. The Leaders had the necessary information, but only believed what they ___________ to believe. So, those for whom Jesus came to _________ were the ones who put Him to ____________. We cannot imagine the depth of ___________ of that betrayal. Matt. 23:37 The Scourging of the World. Pilate had Him scourged just for ___________. This unnecessary cruelty was to demonstrate the __________ __________ of mankind at its worst. Jesus was nothing to these soldiers good or bad—just an available soul to ____________ to death. Jesus’ treatment became an example of the evil that lurks just below the surface in ____ of ___. The Humiliation of the Cross Death itself is the last ___________ that we encounter. All control is gone, and we become ____ with the _______ again. He was nailed to this filthy wood like a ______________ bag of flesh. He is jeered at by high and low as if they were, in fact, ____________ than He is. Jesus endured the humiliation of the cross for us. Heb. 12:2 The Rejection of the Father The great judicial goal in this sacrifice was to ___________ the _________ of God that was on us. In some theological way which we will never understand, God the Son is ___________ by His Father. God the Father cast all His wrath over our sin onto Jesus, and Jesus dies _________ death. The greatest _____________ in history becomes our justification.

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Pine Ridge Bible Church

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