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LA Cunningham LIVE Interview | ASAP Imagination - Points Of Villainy Kickstarter
Join sci-fi author/FanFiAddict reviewer Frasier Armitage for a livestream interview with LA Cunningham, the co-author of Points Of Villainy / Points Of Virtue, creator of Babies With Rabies, and writer of the comic book series Sister Grim! They'll discuss ASAP Imagination's latest Kickstarter campaign for the Points Of Villainy graphic novel, answer questions in the live chat, and more. The Kickstarter campaign is live now: ABOUT THE HOST & AUTHOR: Frasier Armitage is the author of Time's Ellipse, New Yesterday, its prequel novella Yestermorrow, and the sci-fi novelette Rememory. Twitter: / frasierarmitage Amazon: LA Cunningham is the author of books and comic book series, as well as the chief editor at ASAP Imaginations. #authortube #booktube #books #writing #scifi #livestream #interview #writingadvice #writingcommunity #sciencefiction #fantasy #publishing #books #reading #author #authors #authorinterview #authortube

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