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Sex Romp Gone Wrong: Julia Ridley Smith in conversation with Meagan Lucas | Malaprop's Presents
Julia Ridley Smith discusses her new story collection, "Sex Romp Gone Wrong" with Meagan Lucas, author of "Here in the Dark." Support the authors and Malaprop's by ordering books here: Thank you for subscribing to our channel! ‪@malaprops‬ In her debut story collection, "Sex Romp Gone Wrong," Julia Ridley Smith navigates the currents and eddies of desire, sex, love, and relationships. Her first book, The Sum of Trifles, is a memoir published by the University of Georgia Press (2021) as a title in their Crux literary nonfiction series. Julia’s short stories and essays have appeared in the Alaska Quarterly Review, American Literary Review, Arts and Letters, the Carolina Quarterly, Chelsea, Ecotone, Electric Literature, the Greensboro Review, the New England Review, Southern Cultures, and The Southern Review, among other places. Julia teaches creative writing at UNC Chapel Hill. Meagan Lucas is the author of the award-winning novel, Songbirds and Stray Dogs and the collection, Here in the Dark. Meagan is Pushcart, Best of the Net, Derringer, and Canadian Crime Writers’ Award of Excellence nominated, and won the 2017 Scythe Prize for Fiction. Her short story “The Monster Beneath” was noted as Distinguished in 2023 Best American Mystery and Suspense and Songbirds and Stray Dogs was North Carolina’s selection for the Library of Congress Center for the Book’s 2022 Route 1 Reads program. She teaches Creative Writing at Robert Morris University and in the Great Smokies Writing Program at UNC-A. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Reckon Review. Born and raised on a small island in Northern Ontario, she now lives in Flat Rock, NC. Keep in touch with Malaprop's Bookstore/Cafe: Visit our website: Subscribe to our e-newsletter: Instagram:   / malapropsbookstore   Threads: Facebook:   / malapropsbooks   Order audio books at Find and support more independent bookstores:

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