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Can AI Really Transform Education? Here’s the Reality 🎓💻 - Joon Nak Choi
Nov 42024
"I think AI is surrounded by so much hype—and equally intense scepticism—that it often obscures what AI can genuinely achieve and where it may be inappropriate to apply it. Education is no exception. Many people envision a swift shift to personalized learning or a complete overhaul of traditional education models, but I believe they're buying into the hype a bit too much. The limitations aren't just technological, though those are real; they’re also organizational and societal. There’s a big difference between what we can do with AI and what we are allowed to do within existing structures. Rather than rushing to reinvent the system, I advocate a more practical approach in the short term—similar to what many corporations are doing—focusing on incremental improvements to enhance current educational processes while society adapts." Main Site: Full YouTube Video: Newsletter Signup: LinkedIn Page: #aiineducation #edtech #futureoflearning #generativeai #innovation