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Aug 122024
淨界法師 :《佛法修學概要》 時間: 2013/05/22 地點:洛杉磯 淨土教觀學苑 編號:期中座談2 ---- 所以世間的快樂,是要付出很操心的代價。但是最後死亡的時候,萬般帶不去,只有業隨身,讓你空歡喜一場。就像做夢一樣,做夢的時候夢到你是大富人家,醒過來什麼都帶不走,所以人生沒有結果。 每一個人生都沒有結果,就像做夢沒有結果,人生只有過程。你不可以把前一個夢境裡面的東西帶到第二個夢境,不可以!當你夢結束的時候,你所有夢境裡面的東西都要放下。只有那個明瞭的心跟業力走出來,從前一個夢境走出來面對下一個夢境,只有業力可以穿過夢境,還有那個明瞭的心,兩個東西走出來而已。你的色身,你的財富,你的眷屬,你所有一切的東西,當第一個夢境結束的時候,不能從夢境裡面帶出任何東西出來,不可以。這是第一個遊戲規則。 你只可以從第一個夢境把你的業力帶出來,把你那個明瞭的心帶出來,兩個東西帶出來。其他的對不起,全部留下,因為你的使用權沒有了,你的福報享盡了,就請你離開了,它不跟你客氣的。業力是很殘酷的東西。 Worldly happiness comes with a heavy price—constant worry and stress. However, at the moment of death, all the things you've accumulated and cared about in life cannot be taken with you. All that remains is the karma you've created, leaving you with a sense of empty joy, much like waking up from a dream where you were wealthy but finding nothing real when you awaken. Life, much like a dream, has no lasting result; it is merely a process. Just as you cannot carry anything from one dream into another, you cannot take any of your worldly possessions, wealth, or relationships with you after death. When one life ends, you must leave everything behind. The only things that continue from one life to the next are your karma and the awareness of your mind. These are the only two aspects that move forward into the next "dream" or life. The rules of this existence dictate that when the dream of your current life ends, you must leave everything else behind. Your rights to use and enjoy them are gone, and you must move on. The harsh reality is that karma is relentless and unforgiving; it is the only thing that persists beyond this life. 視頻摘自:淨土教觀學苑 製作:善知識工作室 Youtube: 播放列表 (playlist): #buddhism #淨界法師 #善知識 #念佛 #佛法 #净土宗 #淨宗學會 #淨土