Why not hire from Upwork or Fiverr? What to do instead? Here's how to hire freelancer writers
2023Feb 2
Emilia shares her process for successfully hiring freelance writers to publish 100+ blogs each month at ‪@Userpilot‬ - quality, quantity, a streamlined hiring process, and 0 attrition. How does that sound? Emilia recently wrote "Content Ops" book, which covers her experience growing organic traffic by 5x. She shared the process, tools, and techniques to publish 100+ high-quality blogs each month in this video: https://youtu.be/c8b73hwZ6z8. You can read more here: https://harshalpatil.substack.com/p/grow-traffic-content-ops-emilia-book Check out the book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Content-Operations-Build-Scale-Your-ebook/dp/B0B57TKCX6 Emilia Korczynska is the head of marketing at Userpilot (‪@Userpilot‬ , https://userpilot.com/). You can follow her on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/emiliakorczynska/.