Find a mentor who you admire and want to emulate by Michael Fritzell from Asian Century Stocks
Apr 12024
Hear Michael Frtizell offers the most important career advice in finding the right mentor that you admire and loyal to throughout your career.
"One career advice that I wish I would have taken more to heart perhaps is you find a mentor that you really admire and then you're loyal to that person and throughout your career, he will probably be your protector in that organization. I think that's really important to create these allies higher up in the hierarchy and to learn from [them]. If you come out of one of these big famous business schools or big economics programs in Europe, there's a temptation to go into consulting or investment banking and maybe those are fine routes, but I think there's also no need to be too afraid of going your own routes because you can make money, frankly, in every industry. I think if I look back on when I was a student, I think I went the conventional path but ended up somewhere else. I could have just gone for what I was passionate about, perhaps writing, and that I'm sure that wHear Michael Frtizell offers the most important career advice in finding the right mentor that you admire and loyal to throughout your career.
"One career advice that I wish I would have taken more to heart perhaps is you find a mentor that you really admire and then you're loyal to that person and throughout your career, he will probably be your protector in that organization. I think that's really important to create these allies higher up in the hierarchy and to learn from [them]. If you come out of one of these big famous business schools or big economics programs in Europe, there's a temptation to go into consulting or investment banking and maybe those are fine routes, but I think there's also no need to be too afraid of going your own routes because you can make money, frankly, in every industry. I think if I look back on when I was a student, I think I went the conventional path but ended up somewhere else. I could have just gone for what I was passionate about, perhaps writing, and that I'm sure that would have worked out fine. Don't be too worried about your career at that stage" - Michael Ftizell
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Find a mentor who you admire and want to emulate by Michael Fritzell from Asian Century Stocks