In today’s video, CRI® Doug Hallgren shows us all the tips and tricks needed to bring out the full potential of the versatile 1-inch brush. Learn how to utilize this fantastic piece of equipment, creating various cloud shapes, happy little trees and bustling bushes. Join Brush Strokes to get access to perks: Produced by Janson Media, Inc. ( & Bob Ross, Inc. (
Now announcing a new digital membership on the official Bob Ross YouTube channel, Brush Strokes! Members will receive access to exclusive tutorial content, demonstrated by our master CRI®’s Nicholas Hankins, Carolyn Saletto and Doug Hallgren. We’ll be diving deep into classic Bob Ross techniques like never before, including new full one hour painting guides. In addition, each month our master CRI®’s sit down to discuss a variety of topics and analyze episodes of The Joy Of Painting. Members will also receive custom emojis to use during live streams and premieres, access to live stream chat, channel badges to honor their support, and exclusive discounts on Bob Ross products. Anyway you choose to enjoy, we invite you! Welcome, to Brush Strokes!
The Joy of Bob Ross - A Happy Little Podcast® honors the late great television painter and his iconic public television program “The Joy of Painting”. Each episode features stories and interviews with folks from all walks of life who have been inspired by and connected to Bob Ross. Learn more:
You've seen him before. He's the soft spoken guy painting happy clouds, mountains and trees in about twenty-six television minutes, using big house painting-type brushes and cooing soothing "you can do its" to the audience. Bob Ross' The Joy of Painting is the most recognized, most watched TV art show in history.