Dr. Uzma Siddiqui, Professor of Medicine at the University of Chicago and Director of the Center for Endoscopic Research and Therapeutics (CERT) and Advanced Endoscopy Training, discusses the management of pancreatic fluid collections and Walled Off Necrosis (WON). 16:55 Source: Adler DG, Taylor LJ, Hasan R, Siddiqui AA. A retrospective study evaluating endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage of pancreatic fluid collections using a novel lumen-apposing metal stent on an electrocautery enhanced delivery system. Endosc Ultrasound. 2017 Nov-Dec;6(6):389-393. doi: 10.4103/eus.eus_4_17. https://journals.lww.com/eusjournal/F...
Videos feature use of the SpyGlass® Direct Visualization System and include case studies, procedural footage, Q&A with physicians from live webcasts, MD presentations on select topics, testimonials and animations.
Videos in this section focus on Boston Scientific's family of EndoVive® Enteral Access Devices including the Jejunal Feeding Tube for direct access to the jejunum as well as the One-Step Button® for direct access to the stomach. Also featured are the EndoVive® Kits and Accessories that complement the tube placement procedures. EndoVive® Enteral Access Devices include Initial Placements, Replacement Devices, and Gastrostomy Tubes.
Videos include EUS-FNA best practices, case studies, procedural footage and testimonials featuring the Expect™ Endoscopic Ultrasound Aspiration Needle.
The Resolution® Clip videos in this section will focus on clipping for hemostasis, endoscopic marking, closure and anchoring jejunal feeding tubes.
Videos in this section are comprised of Alair® Bronchial Thermoplasty System, Airway Stents, and Pulmonary Devices and include case studies, procedural footage, Q&A with physicians from live webcasts, MD presentations on select topics, and animations.