Wondering what to expect with knee replacement surgery? Our Dartmouth Health orthopedic surgeons provide answers to common questions in this engaging and fun Q&A session. From 'How does a knee replacement work?' and 'How much can I walk after knee replacement?' to 'What does a knee replacement feel like' and 'Is there a downside to waiting?, our surgeons help simplify concepts and clarify misconceptions. Featuring Drs. Wayne Moschetti https://www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org/f... and Alexander Orem https://www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org/f..., provide an engaging Q and A session to answer your common questions. See below to view a specific question in the timeline. Learn more at https://www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org/s... 00:00 Introduction 00:19 What is the success rate for knee replacement? 00:42 Who is a good candidate for knee replacement? 01:15 Will I have to stay overnight in the hospital? 01:33 Which knee do you replace more, left or right? 01:43 How does a knee replacement work? 02:39 How much can I walk after knee replacement? 03:02 Can I run after knee replacement? 03:14 What does a knee replacement feel like? 03:56 When can I have sex? 04:22 Why do my knees sound like Rice Krispies? 04:49 Is there a downside to waiting? 05:00 Do I need to lose weight before knee replacement? 05:50 Should I have surgery with a robot? 06:22 How many surgeries like this do you perform a year? 06:45 Can you predict the weather with a new knee? 06:55 Is knee surgery painful? 07:16 Are there exercises I can do before surgery to help the recovery? 08:01 Wrap up
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