"Welcome to Fisher's Secondary Channel! ☆Fischer's-Secondary- ■https://goo.gl/QgBhjD ☆Don't forget to subscribe! ■https://goo.gl/lSy9St ☆Special emoji, member's only videos and more! Click here to join the channel! ■https://goo.gl/uJomwo あ■http://bit.ly/2pdgURz ☆Here are the Fisher's Members' Twitter Pages! Silk Road @RytoSle2 (Leader) ■https://twitter.com/RytoSle2 Masai @MASAI_Fischers ■https://twitter.com/MASAI_Fischers Ndaho @ndahoFischers ■https://twitter.com/ndahoFischers Motoki @Fs_hasninelives ■https://twitter.com/Fs_hasninelives Zakao @fischerszakao ■https://twitter.com/fischerszakao Dama @M2DAMA ■https://twitter.com/M2DAMA ↓Scroll down for Fisher's Official SNS Accounts↓ 【Fischer's】 We do things that we enjoy, stupid things, and even things that may seem impossible... Our group of internet performers was formed back in the third grade of junior high school - a group of friends who are the same age and have known each other since kindergarten. Fisher's is made up of 6 members! [Silk Road] [Ndaho] [Dama] [Zakao] [Motoki] [Masai] [Official Accounts] Twitter (Video upload notifications and other announcements) ■https://twitter.com/FischersHome Facebook (Video upload notifications) ■https://www.facebook.com/FischersHome Instagram (Behind the scenes) ■https://www.instagram.com/fischershome Website / Members' introductions ■http://fischers.web.fc2.com/ [Playlist] Show All (Also listed by date) ■https://goo.gl/fB9HYY In upload order ■https://goo.gl/TuFZ4W In order of most played ■https://goo.gl/pw3hyy [Sound generation / Sound effects Credits] DOVA-SYNDROME ■http://dova-s.jp/ SoundEffect Lab ■http://soundeffect-lab.info/ Amacha Music ■http://amachamusic.chagasi.com/ Maoudamashii ■http://maoudamashii.jokersounds.com/ Epidemic Sound ■ http://www.epidemicsound.com [Clips / images from a few of our videos] PIXTA *Not all of our videos use this resource. [How to contact us] *1 Those in the same industry, those with a video request and those who wish to make any other enquiries, please contact us via the UUUM Website ""Services"". *2 Fisher's does not use the YouTube messaging function. Thank you for understanding. 【Contact Us regarding Services (UUUM)】 http://www.uuum.co.jp/ #Fischers"