Retreat with Shakti Caterina Maggi
Join us SUMMER RETREAT IN STREAMING! 13th - 22nd of August Take part in a fully immersive journey of clarity, love and embodied awakening. For all our friends around the world who are not able to be with us, once again this year the retreat is available via streaming! As always, it will be an opportunity to share the beautiful energy of the retreat and of the Sangha. "Sometimes we feel the need to put our life on pause for a moment, Reconsider where we are coming from and where we are heading to. When we feel stuck in our life, we should look at where we are still living out of fear in our everyday life. It is a powerful exercise of self awareness...and the only way to liberate our joy of being. In a retreat, there is an alchemical transformation that happens beyond ourselves. The sense of separation starts to get dissolved and our inner authentic nature beings to shine. In a retreat there is a field of unconditional love thatyou can experience through the sangha, the community of participants. It is a space where you can relate to people in an authentic way, learning to bring this quality in your life when you come back home. When was the last time you got in tune with your deepest longings? What is the space that can listen to themmand get clear enough to discern what is yours and what is not? This retreat is a space to embody clarity and understanding and becoming what we know is true. If you feel the call, I hope you can join us... either in presence or in streaming to experience what being One really means, what being truly yourself really means". Shakti Caterina Maggi
A collection of videos about meditation and spiritual awakening to discover the message of non duality with a contempoary approuch. To discover more about Shakti
Il risveglio spirituale ci porta a rinonoscere di essere una Coscienza unica che vive attraverso tutte le forme. La condivisione di Shakti espone il messaggio della non dualità per potere vivere davvero la meditazione in ogni momento e rinoscere di essere questa Presenza eterna.