*The data provided on this channel is accurate as of the date the video was published. Data source citations and the most up-to-date information regarding statistics provided within the videos can be found here. https://www.sgu.edu/academic-programs... With over 20,000 graduates from our School of Medicine, St. George's University (SGU) offers an outstanding educational experience that will get you to your goal—becoming a successful physician. As one of the premier Caribbean medical schools and MD programs for international students, you can explore a wide variety of educational pathways. Our comprehensive campus has 65 buildings, a campus bus service, new student housing to create a safe, support environment that allows students to focus on studies and a great academic culture. With our base of international MD students, we have a diverse student population from countries around the world. Our Department of Educational Services provides a student-centered education by providing workshops, test prep and other academic support. SGU's USMLE Step 1 Pass Rate and Residency placement is on par with US Medical Colleges. Beyond the classroom, SGU has relationships with over 75 hospitals so it provides an opportunity for our students to think about where to train to get the residency that they are looking for at international MD program locations. From admission to White Coat Ceremony through commencement, SGU provides students with the education and support for a successful journey to become a doctor. Learn more at https://www.sgu.edu/academic-programs...