This show review the book 50 Shades of Grey on the Rev Mel Show live on and Google hangout on air. Rev Mel has been in the life choice for over 20 years and is an educator and consultant in BDSM, Kink and Fetishes. Rev Mel live TV show on BDSM has been broadcasting live on the net for over 8 years and she has been teaching at the Lair in North Hollywood for over 8 years.She is the real thing in BDSM and knows her stuff about this life style of BDSM. She talks straight and honest about the truths about BDSM and tells it like it is. She can be found on her home base for the live and recorded shows. ..
TSRnetwork AKA Talking Sex Radio is the net's leading destination for adults who want to explore the sight and sounds of erotica with taste and style. This unique streaming broadcasts live TV shows about BDSM and Kink were created to develop a video portal combines titillating sexual imagery with the cutting-edge technology and the BDSM community. We are about creating a blue print with our live broadcast that reached out to teach and educated new players in BDSM.
Since it's launch in December 2005, more than 3800,000 unique listeners/viewers have join the community here on The site cutting-edge content from Live Free Kink TV Shows, musicians, artist, writers, photographers, models and light minded folks, all on the vanguard of today's pop sex culture. and is an ever-changing environment with new content added daily. started out as an audio podcast that highlight the BDSM community and life choice. Then when the TV shows were developed the name was changed to TSR stands for Talking Sex Radio and still believes in education and creating space with freedom in mind to be who you are. It is the foundation of TSR and the right to have an adult life without fear.
In a world full of choices, is THE place for sex talk, humor, advice and commentary on all things sexy and educational.
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