In Absentia | Series Promo
Dark. Mysterious. Visually captivating. "In Absentia" is an anthology of contemporary folk tales consisting of drama, sci-fi, horror and a psychological thriller. The series focuses on the loss of both the material and intangible. Created by Ethan Kogan & Jessica Silvetti •RAINDANCE FILM FESTIVAL 2017 (Nominee-Best Writing) •INT'L ACADEMY OF WEB TELEVISION AWARDS 2018 (Nominee-Best Series, Best Directing, Best Writing) •FILMQUEST FESTIVAL 2018 (Official Selection) •WORLDFEST HOUSTON 2017 (Winner-Silver Remi for Best Web Series) •BILBAO SERIESLAND 2017 (Nominee-Quill Amets, Top Amets, Unstoppable Amets) •RIO WEB FEST 2017 (Winner-Best Actress, Nominee-Best Production, Best Cinematography, Best Cast) •DUB WEB FEST 2017 (Nominee-Best Drama/Thriller/Mystery, Best Actress) •DIE SERIALE 2018 (Nominee-Best Screenplay, Best Series) •SEOUL WEBFEST 2018 (NOMINEE-Best Thriller) •BLOW-UP INTERNATIONAL ARTHOUSE FILM FEST CHICAGO 2017 (Official Selection) •DTLA FILM FESTIVAL LOS ANGELES 2017 (Official Selection) •JERRY GOLDSMITH AWARDS 2016 (Nominee-Best Original Score)
Dark, mysterious and visually captivating, "In Absentia" is an anthology series of contemporary, dark folk tales consisting of drama, science fiction, horror and a psychological thriller. The series focuses on characters confronted with the absence of both the material and intangible. To watch, go to:
Award Winning short films from Light and Shadow Pictures

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A documentary filmmaker searches for a cult leader who claims to be an angel. PROBLEM OF EVIL was shot utilizing dramatic improvisation for the entirety of the production under the scrupulous efforts and firm guidance of the directors. Written/Directed/Shot/Produced by Ethan Kogan and Jessica Silvetti, the film stars Hemky Madera (Rango, Showtime’s Weeds, HBO’s Luck), Cynthia Ettinger (HBO’s Carnivale and Deadwood) and Jarreth Merz (The Passion of the Christ, ER, An African Election).
Flickers is a series of fiery comedy sketches and parodies from Light and Shadow Pictures.