Beekeeping How To Start Beekeeping In 2025
How to start beekeeping? Beekeeping is so trendy and everyone knows how important honey bees are to our planet. I'm David Burns and I've been an EAS Certified Master Beekeeper since 2010. EAS stands for Eastern Apicultural Society. The EAS master beekeeper program is the grandfather of all master beekeeper programs, certifying beekeepers have four rigorous tests: Hive inspection test, laboratory test, oral test and a written test. Learning and training to become a master beekeeper really helped me understand beekeeping and now I'm excited and passionate about sharing what I know about beekeeping and honey bees with others, especially those who are new to beekeeping. BEETEAM6: OPEN REGISTRATION!! ❤️👍I want to be your personal mentor. My mentoring community, BeeTeam6 is now offered in tiers. Check it out to see which tier best fits your mentoring needs. 👀 Please subscribe to my channel: Join me for my livestreams every Thursday at 7pm central time. Here is the link: Bees benefit greatly from a spring nutritional boost. Why not put the right supplements in their 1:1 sugar water. Here's the link: Watch my video on how to mix my additives for spring feeding here: ✅ If you are new to beekeeping or you keep failing, I strongly recommend you take my Ultimate ONLINE Beekeeping Course. This bundle includes all 7 of my online courses: Beginning Beekeeping, Mite Control, Spring: SurvivAL, Supering, swarms & Splits, Advanced Beekeeping, My Popular Queen Rearing Course, A Day In The Apiary With Me and How To Get Your Bees Through The Winter. Here's the link: Are wondering about HOW TO START BEEKEEPING? This video will help answer the simple questions to help you get off to a good start. In this video I show you various pieces of bee hive equipment, protective gear and how to start keeping bees the right way. Beekeeping is so much more fun when you know what you are doing and that's why I made this video to help you gain the basic beekeeping fundamentals you need to keep bees and to become a successful beekeeper. DISCLAIMER: Some links in this description might be affiliate links which means if you purchase a product or service using a link I provide, I may receive a small commission. There is no extra charge to you. Thank you so much for supporting my channel which enables me to continue to produce more videos for you. J-Hook Hive Tool: Burlap: Microscope Camera: 💪BEEKEEPING SUPPLIES I RECOMMEND: Honey Bandit: Robber Screen: My Yellow Rubber Gloves: Beeswax: 🌻FEED YOUR BEES: Feeding your bees at key times during the season is crucial. Check out my feeding board known as the Burns Bees Feeder. Safely feed your bees from the top. Great way to help you build up your bees of winter physiology. Check it out: Feeding Additives: 📬If you'd like to send something to add to the store front to spruce up my back drop, send it to David Burns, PO BOX 254, Catlin, IL 61817 Whoa, you made it all the way down here! Thank you ♥️ Love you
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