Smear campaign debunked I am a Professor of Clinical Psychology in CIAPS (Cambridge UK, Canada, and Lagos, Nigeria) and in South East European University (Visiting, SEEU) as well as a former visiting professor of psychology in SFU (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) between 2017-22, and the author of the first book ever on "narcissistic abuse" (a phrase I coined, among many others now in wide use, in the 1990s), "Malignant Self-love: narcissism Revisited". My work in psychology: Consultation with Sam or with Lidija (or both), click on this link: (We are not licensed mental health practitioners). You are not alone! Are YOU Abused? Stalked? Harassed? Victimized? Confused and Frightened? Were you brought up by a Narcissistic or Psychopathic Parent? Married to a Narcissist or a Psychopath - or Divorcing One? Afraid your children will turn out to be narcissists or psychopaths? Want to cope with this pernicious, baffling condition? OR: Are You a Narcissist or a Psychopath - or suspect that You may be one ... The videos on this channel will teach you how to Cope, Survive, and Protect Your Loved Ones! Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a serious, often undiagnosed condition, frequently related to abuse in childhood. In many cases the disorder compels the sufferer to become the abuser in turn. Once almost unheard of, pathological narcissism is now considered to be at the heart of phenomena as diverse as corporate malfeasance, workplace bullying, the emergence of murderous dictatorships, domestic violence, and serial killings. I am Sam Vaknin, author of "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited" , a work of reference about Narcissistic Personality Disorder and other books about personality disorders. I have been studying pathological, malignant narcissism for two decades now, mostly in the following contexts: I. Corporate settings and in Politics II. Abusive and Dysfunctional relationships Trailer courtesy of: Find and Buy MOST of my BOOKS and eBOOKS in my Amazon Store: