Enjoy my NEW self-produced ELECTION Special filmed at Comedy Mothership in Austin TX! SEE ME ON TOUR NOW - Dates/Tkts: https://www.tylerfischer.com Help fund this special with a donation - self produced so nobody tells me what I can/can't say!! Venmo: @ComedyShow - PayPal: PayTylerFischer@gmail.com - Cash App: TipsForTyler Watch my Pandemic Special: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3R9K... Join me on Patreon OR YouTube membership for weekly BONUS vids! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TylerTalks YouTube Membership: https://www.youtube.com/@tythefisch/join Follow on ALL socials: @TyTheFisch https://www.instagram.com/tythefisch https://www.tiktok.com/@tythefisch https://x.com/TyTheFisch Sign my mailer to see me LIVE in your city! http://www.tylerfischer.com filmed at: https://comedymothership.com Written/Directed/Performed/Edited: by Tyler Fischer Executive Producers: Tyler Fischer & Jon Fatigate Filmed by: Cal Shallenberger, Joe Borden, Cade Prior Audio Mix by Ryan Majoris Assistant editor: @GarrettPahl Opening sequence: Vidoli Visual Titles by City Apparel and Designs Co-producers: My patreon supporters - join patreon to help fund my comedy & get weekly exclusive bonus comedy! https://www.patreon.com/TylerTalks
Our members Thank you, channel members!
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