Why I made UNTETHER.tv
So, what is this site all about. I started doing these interviews in January 2010 to capture the incredible journey mobile was embarking on. Since then, the world has changed. We've left the debating on the merits of mobile behind -- it is now either a part of your business or is your business. There isn't a business on this planet or human that carries one of these devices that hasn't been impacted by what is going on here. If farmers in africa use these tools for their businesses -- why aren't you? In a short period of time, we've seen developing nations use mobile devices to leapfrog developed countries around mobile payments, education and extending human rights and raising economies. Now we are stepping into the fringes of the always on, always connected, pervasive computing landscape. Sensors, big data, mobile brains. Marketing is changing, sales is changing, business is changing and that is what UNTETHER.tv is here for -- to help navigate this incredible time so you, the business owner or entrepreneur, can build, grow, create and generate revenue. There are hundreds of interviews on this site from the most innovative companies on the planet in mobile and pervasive. Learn from them. Leverage their expertise to your benefit. This is a new way of thinking. A new way of doing business. And UNTETHER.tv will help you get moving in the right direction. That's why it's here. That's why I do this. There is a ton more at http://www.untether.tv