In this teaching, Thomas John talks about the need to wholeheartedly seek God. He is teaching as part of his "Samuel Series," where he focuses on the power and authority of the Bible. His call to all Christians is to repent and remove anything that distracts us or causes us to fall short of God's glory. His key questions are straightforward - "Do you truly know God?" and "Does God truly know you?". The point is that just going through religious motions is not enough. We need an honest, personal relationship with Jesus. We all need to hear this message in our walk with God. Even if you've followed Jesus for years, it's essential to examine if you are still seeking Him with passion and sincerity or have lost your "first love." Have other priorities squeezed out your time with God? In our busy world of social media, entertainment, and ambitions, crowding out the most vital relationship - our connection with our Creator is easy. This timely teaching urges us to simplify our lives, remove distractions, and nurture an intimate friendship with God - genuinely seeking Him with all our hearts. Our joy and purpose flow out from knowing Him deeply.
Short messages to bring you closer to God
These aren’t just stories—they’re glimpses into changed lives. No fabrication. No exaggeration. Just real people baring their souls about how encountering God’s love revolutionized their existence. Listen to ordinary folks from all walks openly share raw, personal accounts of struggling, suffering and overcoming through faith. Be inspired by the transparency in these candid video testimonies chronicling the incredible transformations made possible by accepting Christ. From victims of abuse to former addicts to ex-convicts, their powerful stories bear witness to God's awesome redemption. Experience the joy as wounded hearts are healed and hope shines in darkness. Let these courageous testimonies showing Christianity in action rekindle your belief in God's unlimited power to save anyone. Just click and be moved by the genuine expressions of lives embraced by God's unconditional love and grace.


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100 views1 year ago
Teachings that are true, not sensationalism in nature,. These teachings will challenge you, no matter who you are. The truth that the Bible teaches is revealed with such vividness, and once you understand it, you will audit your life accordingly.
"Dive deep into Jesus's most famous sermon - the Beatitudes - in this special Kingdom of God podcast from Do You Know Him Church and speaker Thomas John. He comprehensively breaks down each statement Jesus makes in Matthew 5, analyzing the historical context and meaning while making practical applications for our lives today. Gain refreshing insight into countercultural values like meekness, mercy, purity of heart, and more. This podcast explains how living by Jesus's words can help us bless those who suffer, model grace and nonviolence, and promote the upside-down principles of God's Kingdom. Whether you're new to the faith or a longtime Christian, this profound teaching by Thomas John on the essence of Jesus's message will challenge and encourage you."