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Welcome to my channel and thank you for taking the time to check out my content. I'm primarily focused on creating content in the field of guides and walkthroughs. My mantra is to provide comprehensive, concise, and clear tutorials. 🔔Subscribe for more Arknights content and streams: #arknights #アークナイツ #明日方舟 #명일방주
Paradox Simulation guides for all operators (Global).
Low rarity & Easy guides for Episodes 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14.
Low rarity & Easy guides for Episodes 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8.
Guides & General Tips for Integrated Strategies covering Phantom & Crimson Solitaire and Mizuki & Caerula Arbor.
Content relating to a real-time 3D RPG with strategic elements by HYPERGRYPH