JFK's Assassination Was Way Worse Than You Thought
So, he's finally done it: Donald Trump has released the JFK files. What do these new documents tell us about that fateful day in Dallas? #JohnFKennedy #JFK #Assassination The Soviet factor | 0:00 The magic bullet | 1:17 On the ground | 2:05 Kennedy's brace | 2:57 A lucky escape | 3:46 Collateral damage | 4:22 The long demise | 5:11 Problem calls | 5:38 Missing bullet | 6:35 The Zapruder tape | 7:15 Three hours of history | 8:17 A grim milestone | 9:30 Voiceover By: Tim Bensch Visit Official Grunge Website https://www.grunge.com Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/1782411/why-jf...
We might love a good crime TV series, but they need to get inspiration from somewhere. The true crime genre’s popularity has risen significantly over the last few years, but not without some controversy. Some infamous names like Jeffrey Dahmer have inspired TV shows and movies, while other crimes remain unsolved years or even decades later.
Many icons throughout history have died in mysterious, tragic, or sudden ways, and curious minds have anxiously awaited their autopsy reports. The details of these reports often reveal stunning information that impact how these icons are mourned and remembered. Press play on this "Disturbing Things Found In Autopsy Reports" playlist to learn details that may affect how you feel about Carrie Fisher, Robert F. Kennedy, Selena, and many more.
The past is something we look to in order to learn, grow, and evolve. While we’ve grown as a species, the world wasn’t always so easy to navigate. History Explained covers topics you might be familiar with and others you may have never heard of. From how certain civilizations lived to facts about historical figures, there’s always something new to learn.
The lives of celebrities are documented from the moment they leave their personal spaces. The world sees their rise to fame and their downward spirals. Celebrity news is always noteworthy, and we’ve got a plethora of videos for you to binge on your favorite stars.
There are many religions around the world that people can choose to follow or are born into. Like everything in the world, there is good and bad in religion. This is where you’ll find information and facts you didn’t know you needed about religious cults, spiritual leaders, and untold truths.
Just because a person is famous doesn’t mean they’ve had an easy life. Sure, some celebrities are born into fame, but others have had some serious challenges. From difficult childhoods to troubled marriages, take a look at some tragic real-life stories of celebrities.
Disasters are often scary, sudden, tragic, and cause many to reassess their perspective on life and the society around them. If you’d like to take a deep dive into some of the most historic disasters that have affected our world, check out our Disasters playlist. Discover the untold truth of the Chernobyl disaster, what really happened during The Who concert disaster, disturbing revelations about Paul Walker’s fatal crash investigation, and much more.
It’s incredibly disappointing to discover someone that you like, or even love, is an awful person. Celebrities are no exception to these painful revelations, and some of your favorite stars are actually very disreputable. If you’d like to know who some of these people truly are, check out our Respected People Who Were Actually Terrible playlist to discover politicians, geniuses, and musicians who weren't who they claimed to be.
The life of a musician can change overnight. One day, you’re struggling to make ends meet, and the next, you have a huge hit everyone is singing along to. Of course, once you get in the public eye, the fans may get a little obsessed. Take a look at this playlist for the history behind your favorite bands, untold truths of your favorite musicians, and more.
Ever looking for all your favorite topics in one place? We’ve got you covered with everything you’ve been looking for. The untold truths, tragedies, and facts on music, television, actors, and more can all be found in one Grunge marathon video.