In an endeavour to explore the secluded landscapes of our country, I travelled to the Southern ends of Bihar where I interacted with the Mahadalit community of Durgapur in district Bodh Gaya. From extreme poverty & illiteracy to a concerning amount of malnourishment, this village lacks basic human integrity, let alone being a 'developed society'. While highlighting the caste discrimination in the area, the villagers talked about how no government has ever paid attention to their living conditions and they have always been left behind when it comes to providing them with basic facilities like schools & hospitals. A day in this village felt like a time travel to the medieval era where everything depended on the caste ladder. People here do not receive electricity but are paying heavy bills, managing three meals a day is a daily struggle & when getting work is hard, begging is their only option. Watch & Experience as we shift the focus from the touristy side to the harsh realities of Bodh Gaya. Presenting, I Time Travelled To This 18th Century Village in Bihar | Bharat Ek Khoj Ep18 | Unfiltered by Samdish
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