台灣中秋烤肉 超豐富菜單 快來看看老姜備了什麼好料! 中秋烤肉是台灣慶祝中秋節的方式,身為在台灣10幾年的外國人,我們也一起加入以中秋節來個家人團聚,真是個不錯的夜晚。 As a foreign family residing in Taiwan for over 10 years, we embrace the way of the locals celebrating of Moon Festival in Taiwan which is by having barbecue gatherings with friends and families. Nothing is better than a good night like this. #外國人在台灣 #台灣中秋烤肉
趁著年假,老姜一家重返馬來西亞。 很多人不太熟悉馬來西亞這個多元種族的國家。 所以這次,我們決定把馬來西亞的在地文化、美食、風景 以最近簡單的影片分享給大家,讓大家更加認識馬來西亞。 歡迎訂閱我們的頻道 J's English World: We decided to create different small videos to share everything about Malaysia including culture, local food and scenery. Hope you enjoy! Subscribe to our channel J's English World: