Paul McWhorter Teaches Technology
This is our new channel trailer. Let me know what you think. [Made With Suno]
In this class I will present lessons designed for the absolute beginner. This tutorial series will take you from zero to hero. We are committed to teaching step by step, and will not leave anyone behind. In the class, we will be using the Sunfounder Elite kit, which you can get here: [affiliate link]
In this series of video lessons we will teach absolute beginners how to build projects using the Raspberry Pi Pico W. We will show how to both code the Pico, and build circuits. We do not assume you already know this material, and will take you through each lesson step-by-step. Our goal is for you to then be able to do these types of projects on your own. This will serve as an excellent curriculum for a STEM program and is appropriate for use in the public schools, private schools, homeschooling, or just great for life long learners. We would love getting feedback from you. Find more great content at my WEB site,
In this series of lessons we will teach you how to use the Raspberry Pi. We do not assume you are already an expert, but will take you through things step by step, and we will have lots of fun along the way. In these lessons we will take you from first boot all the way through exciting projects. Buckle Up, and lets have some fun!
In this series of lessons, we present free step-by-step tutorials that will teach you python. These lessons are designed for the absolute beginners, and we do not assume you are already an expert.