The Filipino Story is a six-part animated series that tells the unifying story of the Filipino people in an entertaining and inspiring way.

Why Filipinos Are So Warm and Hospitable

55K views8 months ago

The Kindness of the Filipino Explained

32K views6 months ago
Hear the inspiring words of prominent Filipinos—artists, academics, media personalities, etc.— who keep the Filipino culture, heritage, traditions alive through how they practice their craft. It is through this deeply rooted layers of heritage that they are able to share the wisdom of our culture to others.
Ask and you Xiao receive! Find out more about who you are from a man who dedicates his life to Filipino culture and history. It's the historian extraordinaire of The Filipino Story, Dr. Xiao Chua!
Uncover the heartwarming and relatable stories that define a true Filipino experience. From moments of joy and challenges to the victories that unite us, this journey showcases the beauty of Filipino life.